Факультет економiки та управлiння

Корпоративне підприємництво_073_Менеджмент бізнес-організацій (англ мова)


“Corporate entrepreneurship”


  1. The purpose of  the discipline      

The purpose of studying the discipline is to master a set of knowledge on the formation of corporate entrepreneurship in companies and to acquire skills  to apply modern analytical tools for the implementation of entrepreneurship in the activities of the enterprise.


Interdisciplinary connections. Starting to study the discipline "Corporate entreprenership", students must have a certain knowledge base in “Entrepreneurship”,  “Microeconomics”, “Management”, “Business Economics”.


2. Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools:

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnostics of learning outcomes in the discipline "Corporate entrepreneurship" in accordance with the learning outcomes.


Learning outcomes

Teaching methods

Means of diagnostics 




The essence and types of corporate entrepreneurship

lectures, discussions

Surveys, test control, self-studying


basic principles for shaping the company's proactive behavior

discussions, case study


Justification for choosing an organizational form for new innovative business units.

Case study, trainings


Organizational culture that promotes entrepreneurship in companies



corporate entrepreneurship strategies

lectures, mindmaps




establish personal communications in a business environment;

Educational game, trainings

Self – studying project analysis reflection


ability to generate an entrepreneurial idea for implementation in the company

Case study, brainstorming


assess the economic efficiency of implementing entrepreneurial initiatives in the company

brainstorming, report preparation


predict the impact of the type of corporate entrepreneurship model  on its performance.

brainstorming, foresighting




ability to support business communication (public speaking, negotiations, meetings, business correspondence, electronic communications, etc.);

Educational game, training

Self – studying project analysis, self-analysis


the ability to work in a team and interact with individuals in the course of business activities;



the ability to form partnerships between the company and its stakeholders.

discussion, brainstorming


Responsibility and autonomy


the ability to independently make decisions on the realization of corporate innovations in the course of entrepreneurial activity and demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility for their implementation.

Case study, brainstorming

Presentation and analysis of the project results, reflection

3.The structure of course  “Corporate entrepreneurship”

Topic 1: The essence and role of corporate entrepreneurship in the economic system

Topic 2. Entrepreneurial ecosystem of the company

Topic 3. Proactive behavior of an entrepreneurial company

Topic 4. Business model of entrepreneurial corporations

Topic 5. Strategy of corporate entrepreneurship

Topic 6. System of corporate resources allocation and business metrics for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives

Topic 7. Organizational culture of entrepreneurial organizations

Topic 8. Leadership and motivation of personnel of entrepreneurial organizations

Theme 9. Organization of corporate entrepreneurship in the company

Topic 10. Economic efficiency of entrepreneurship in the company


4. Scientific and pedagogical personnel who provide teaching:

Olha Maliarchuk, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, olga_maliarchuk@ukr.net 


5. Recommended information sources:

1. Burns, Paul.Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 4th ed. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.

2. Corporate entrepreneurship – Maliarchuk O. - EMBS65014U_DIST [Electronic resource]: distance learning course Moodle for students / О. Maliarchuk. – К.KNEU, 2021. – Access mode:

3. Korporatyvne pidpryiemnytstvo : praktykum / O. O. Kyzenko, Ye. V. Prokhorova, O. H. Maliarchuk, V. Ya. Pazdrii, I. V. Kubareva; za zah. red. O. O. Kyzenko. — Kyiv : KNEU, 2019. —222, [2] s.

Остання редакція: 25.02.24