Факультет економiки та управлiння

Бізнес - проєктування_073_Менеджмент бізнес-організацій (англ. мовою)

“Business design”

1. The purpose of the discipline
The purpose of studying the discipline
is to help bachelors of the new generation to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the content, purpose, methodology and tools for organizational and economic design of business projects, assessing the feasibility and effectiveness of their implementation..
Interdisciplinary connections. Mastering the training course “Business Design ” requires preliminary study of the following disciplines: “Business Economics”; ‘Marketing’; ‘Management’; ‘Enterprise Finance’; ‘Investing’; ‘Project Management’. The discipline “Business Design” forms the basis for writing a bachelor's thesis - in terms of the proposal section, which should contain an organizational and economic justification for a specific real business project: the establishment or development of a business organization (enterprise) on the basis of which the internship and bachelor's thesis are performed.
2. Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools:

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnostics of learning outcomes in the
discipline "Business design" in accordance with the learning outcomes.

Learning outcomesTeaching methodsMeans of
1.1Theoretical foundations and methodological principles of
business design: content, purpose, forms, tasks, place in the
system of general, strategic and project management;
lecture, seminar, note-taking,
development of mind maps,
discussion, discourse
Test control,
participation in
problem solving,
and a final test,
Review of
exercises, final
module work
1.2existing regulations and guidelines for business design,
selection and evaluation of the effectiveness of business
projects in Ukraine and the world;
1.3the basic concepts that underlie the design and evaluation of
business projects: changes in the value of money over time,
project value, benefit-cost ratio, with and without a project, etc;
1.4business design methodology, including methodological
principles and approaches to substantiating the market viability
of a project, forecasting project revenues, current and investment
costs required for its implementation, forecasting financial
results and cash flow of a project, assessing its economic,
budgetary, social efficiency, environmental impact, etc.
lecture, practical training,
solving specific tasks and
2.1assess the state and prospects of development of the market for
products (goods, works, services) of the business project,
justify the commercial viability of the project, forecast the
volume of income from the sale of project products; assess the
competitive environment of the project and the competitiveness
of the project products;
seminar class, project-based
learning (PBL), discussion of
specific tasks and situations,
discourse, Case studies
(reviewing) the
of PBL tasks,
and defense of
the prepared
group business
2.2justify the need for staff to implement the project; develop
systems of material and non-material motivation for the staff of


Learning outcomesTeaching methodsMeans of
business organizations and project teams involved in the
Participation in
the evaluation
of other teams'
ns, suggestions;
final control
2.3determine and justify the necessary organizational design of a
business project (choice/change of legal form,
development/adjustment of organizational structure,
choice/clarification of tax status, creation of new divisions,
network and platform organizations, project teams, etc;
2.4identify the list of current costs required for the
implementation of a business project, calculate the price of
project products, assess the possible impact of the project on
the amount of current costs of a business organization
2.5substantiate the need for investment resources required for
project implementation, assess the capabilities of project
initiators and business organizations to attract them based on an
assessment of creditworthiness and investment attractiveness
2.6conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of project risks,
assess (model) their impact on project results
2.7develop production, marketing, organizational, investment,
financial plans for a business project, a plan for minimizing
project risks; a plan for re-implementing a business project
2.8calculate the nominal and discounted project cash flow; justify
the discount rate, taking into account the expected time of the
business project implementation, inflation, and project risks;
2.9assess the economic feasibility of implementing a business
project, determine the criteria for choosing a business project in
the presence of two or more alternatives
2.10calculate a system of indicators that characterize the economic
and social efficiency of business project implementation; assess
the macroeconomic and environmental impact of project
3.1ability to work in a teamproject-based learning (PBL)Checking the
distribution of
tasks and
organization of
teamwork in the
Reviewing the
materials of the
Project and
conducting its
communicate professionally with potential and existing
investors, partners, and project stakeholders
Preparation and presentation of
business ideas
clearly and ambiguously communicate their knowledge to
specialists and non-specialists, explain and justify their own
ideas, proposals, and conclusions
4.Responsibility and autonomy
4.1demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility for
professional and/or managerial decisions or
proposals/recommendations that may affect:
Seminar, discussion, project
based learning (PBL)
Checking the
of PBL tasks;


Learning outcomesTeaching methodsMeans of
1) the processes of initiating, preparing and implementing
business projects,
2) development of the project product,
3) team formation and distribution of responsibilities, resource
4) attracting investors and obtaining project financing,
5) forecasting and evaluating the impact of project
implementation, etc.
presentation and
defense of the
business project,
participation in
the discussion of
the results of the
project work of
other teams

3.The structure of course “Business design”
Topic 1: Content and purpose of business design. Essence and typology of business projects.
Topic 2. Business design methodology.
Topic 3. Marketing plan for a business project.
Topic 4. Operational plan and organizational design of business projects. Development of a
business model for the project.
Topic 5. Project risks: identification, assessment, countermeasures.
Topic 6: Investment design and financial modeling of a business project
Topic 7: Presentation, evaluation, and selection of business projects

4. Scientific and pedagogical personnel who provide teaching:
Larisa Ligonenko, D. Sc., Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, larisa.ligonenko@kneu.edu.ua
Olha Maliarchuk, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department,  maliarchuk.olha@kneu.edu.ua

5. Recommended information sources:
1.Lewrick, Michael. (2020).The design thinking toolbox: a guide to mastering the most popular and valuable innovation methods. . New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2.Aulet, Bill. (2013) Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Остання редакція: 18.01.25