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- Course "Scrum Master"
Course "Scrum Master"21 Лютого 2023р.
Dear students and faculty of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, on behalf of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship and the Institute of Innovative Entrepreneurship of KNEU, we are pleased to inform you about Scrum Master course, certified by Agile Lean Leadership.
This class will be held on the 21 and 24 April 2023 for a group of up to 20 people from KNEU without cost to participants.
You find the curriculum described here: https://agileleanhouse.com/en/csm or in PDF form here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ME1Ynol4g7qmLKOAN9PYLG_quZVYzbXh/view
The training will be conducted by Kurt B. Nielsen is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AgileLeanHouse A/S and responsible for the overall strategic vision, contact to the main network in the market, sales and marketing. Kurt has participated in numerous developments of complex IT systems and projects and participated in several startups. From 1990 to 2004 he was the CEO of a software company called Pine Tree Systems that sold software solutions to the media industry worldwide. From 2005 until now Kurt has primarily worked as a management and process consultant being especially successful in teaching Agile and Scrum.