Факультет економiки та управлiння

Лідерство та партнерство в бізнесі (англ.мовою) (економіка агрозізнесу та агротрейдинг)



  • The purpose of the discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline is to form understanding and skills of working with business opportunities by realizing the potential of leadership and partnership of entrepreneurs and companies.

Interdisciplinary connections. Starting to study the discipline "Leadership and Partnership in Business", students must have a certain knowledge base in economic theory (macro- and microeconomics), business economics, management, marketing, psychology and pedagogy, sociology; skills in working with information (its collection, generalization), systematization, critical perception.


  • Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools:

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnostics of learning outcomes in the discipline "Leadership and partnership in business" in accordance with the learning outcomes



Learning outcomes


Teaching methods

Means of diagnostics




key statements of the theory of leadership, the interdependence of leadership characteristics of entrepreneurs and enterprises;

lectures, discussions


Surveys, test control, self- studying


approaches to identifying and developing an entrepreneur's leadership potential;

discussions, case study



ways to establish and maintain partnerships in business;

Case study, trainings



factors that determine the success of a business partnership;




business formats of partnership between economic entities.

lectures, mindmaps





establish personal communications in a business environment;

Educational game, trainings




Self – studying project analysis reflection


identify the factors that determine the leadership characteristics of

entrepreneurs and the nature of partnerships between enterprises, their dynamics in space and time;


Case study, brainstorming



Analyze the impact of changes in the external and internal environment of an enterprise on the choice of a business partnership format;

brainstorming, report preparation



predict the impact of the type of leadership in an organization on

its performance.

brainstorming, foresighting





ability to support business communication (public speaking,

negotiations, meetings, business correspondence, electronic communications, etc.);


Educational game, training



Self – studying project analysis, self-analysis


the ability to work in a team and interact with individuals in the course of business activities;




the ability to form partnerships between the company and its stakeholders.

discussion, brainstorming



Responsibility and autonomy


the ability to independently make decisions on the realization of their leadership qualities and partnership intentions in the course of entrepreneurial activity and demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility for their implementation.



Case study, brainstorming

Presentation and analysis of the project results,



  • The structure of course “Leadership and partnership in business”

Part 1. Leadership in business

1. The nature of modern business: features of “new economy”

2.Company-leader: key characteristics and business strategies

3. Leadership in business: success stories are great, but failure stories are even better

4.Leadership in management: concepts and strategies

5.Self-leadership: why do you need it?


Part 2. Partnership in business

6.The phenomenon of partnership in business

7.Strategic business partnership

8.Teamwork: the power of partnership

9.Networking as a tool of business partnership

10.Corporate social responsibility

  • Instructors:

Olena Hrebeshkova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, olena.hrebeshkova@kneu.ua

Olha Maliarchuk, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, olga_maliarchuk@ukr.net



  • Bibliography:
  1. Kovy Styven R. Sem navykov effektyvnykh menedzherov. Samoorhanyzatsyia, lyderstvo, raskrytye potentsyala [The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Managers]. M.: «Alpyna Pablysher», 2012.
  2. Kovy Styven R. Lyderstvo, osnovannoe na pryntsypakh [Principle-centered Leadership]. M.:
  3. «Alpyna Pablysher», 2011.
  4. Hrebeshkova O. M., Maliarchuk O. H., Kubareva I. V. Liderstvo ta partnerstvo v biznesi: Praktykum. K.: KNEU, 2021.
Остання редакція: 22.02.24