Факультет економiки та управлiння

Лідерство та партнерство в бізнесі (англ.мовою) (економіка підприємства)


 «Leadership and Partnership in Business»

Recommended for applicants of the first(bachelor) degree of higher education.

The purpose of  the discipline is to improve understanding and skills in working with business opportunities through the realization of leadership and partnership potential by entrepreneurs and companies.Under the conditions of the post-industrial economy, only business leaders "by spirit" are able to lead their enterprises and organizations to leading positions. Along with the leadership abilities of entrepreneurs (which are manifested primarily through developed emotional intelligence, the ability to establish relationships and work in a team, the skills to set goals and achieve them), well-established partnership relations should be recognized as a determining factor for success. The concepts of "cluster", "outsourcing", "franchising", "strategic alliances", "joint ventures", finally "team interaction" reflect the everyday practice of market behavior of leading enterprises and entrepreneurs in various fields of activity.

Interdisciplinary connections. When starting to study the discipline "Leadership and partnership in business", students must have a certain knowledge base in economic theory (macro- and microeconomics), business economics,  psychology and pedagogy, sociology, have skills in working with information (its collection, generalization, systematization , critical perception).

Learning outcomes and methods, diagnostic tools (evaluation forms)

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes from the academic discipline "Leadership and partnership in business" in accordance with learning outcomes

The result of learning

Teaching methods

Diagnostic tools




key assumptionof leadership theory, interdependence of leadership characteristics of entrepreneurs and enterprises;

lectures, discussions





Surveys, test control, individual work


approaches to identifying and developing the leadership potential of an entrepreneur;

discussions, case studies


methods of establishing and maintaining partnership relations in business;

case studies, training


factors determining the success of a business partnership;



business formats of partnership of economic entities.

lectures, mind-maps




establish personal communications in a business environment;;

seminar class, discussion, case study



Analysis of individual works (projects, reports), reflection


identify the factors that determine the leadership characteristics of entrepreneurs and the nature of partnership relations of enterprises, their dynamics in space and time;

case studies, brainstorming


analyze the impact of changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise on the choice of a business partnership format;

brainstorming, preparing reports


forecast the influence of the type of leadership in the organization on the results of its activities.

brainstorming, foresight




the ability to maintain business communication (public speeches, negotiations, holding meetings, business correspondence, electronic communications, etc.);

educational game, training

Analysis of individual works (projects, reports), reflection


the ability to work in a team and interact with individuals in the course of entrepreneurial activity;


the ability to form partnership relations of the enterprise with its interested parties (stakeholders).

discussion, brainstorming


Responsibility and autonomy




the ability to independently make decisions regarding the implementation of one's leadership qualities and partnership intentions in the course of entrepreneurial activity and to demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility for their implementation.

case studies, brainstorming

Presentation and analysis of the results of the completed works, reflection

Content of the academic discipline by topic:

Part 1. Leadership in business

1.The nature of modern business: features of “new economy”

2.Company-leader: key characteristics and business strategies

3.Leadership in management: concepts and  strategies

4.Self-leadership: why do you need it?

5.Leadership in business: success stories are great, but failure stories are even better

Part 2. Partnership in business

6.The phenomenon of partnership in business

7.Networking as a tool of business partnership

8.Teamwork: the power of partnership

9.Strategic business partnership

10.Corporate social responsibility

Teaching personnel:

Maliarchuk Olha, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, maliarchuk.olha@kneu.edu.ua

Kubareva Iryna, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department,


Recommended information sources

1.Hrebeshkova O. M., Maliarchuk O. H., Kubareva I. V. Liderstvo ta partnerstvo v biznesi: Praktykum. K.: KNEU, 2021.

2.Hrebeshkova O. M. Kurs video-lektsii «Liderstvo ta partnerstvo v biznesi». URL: https://cutt.ly/2YHgvpO

3.Kovi Stiven R. 7 zvychok nadzvychaino efektyvnykh liudei. Kh.: «Klub simeinoho dozvillia», 2012. 

4.    Houlman Deniel. Emotsiinyi intelekt u biznesi. Yak staty uspishnym u zhytti ta karieri. Kh.: Vivat, 2021.

5.    Lehavi Dorene. Business Partnership Essentials. Boston/Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Inc., 2018.

Promo video of the course:https://youtu.be/00lUlufj-gs

Остання редакція: 25.02.24