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- Faculties»
- Faculty of Economics and Management»
- Departments»
- Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship»
- Faculty members
Faculty members | - Inna Riepina
- Profesor, Head of Department
- Education She received her higher economic education at the Faculty of Economics of the Kyiv State Economic University (diploma with honors in the specialty "Economics and...
 | - Volodymyr Kukoba
- Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Education I’m received higher economic education at the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko with a degree in Labor Economics (1985). In 2001,...
 | - Olena Kuzmenko
- Associate Professor
- Education 1999 – Graduated with honours from the Faculty of Investigation and Criminalistics at the Luhansk Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of...
 | - Kateryna Andriushсhenko
- Professor
- She received her higher economic education at the Kyiv Institute of Tourism, Economics and Law (specialty "Organization Management", qualification "Manager-Economist") and was...
 | - Kateryna Boichenko
- professor
- In 2009, she graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman and enrolled in the postgraduate program at the same institution. She began her professional...
 | - Oleksii Kotsiuba
- Professor
- Education 2021 – Defended a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) dissertation on the topic “Methodology for Evaluating the Economic Efficiency of Enterprise Investment Projects under...
 | - Olena Kyzenko
- Professor
- Education 1995 - 2000 – Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Faculty of Economics and Management, major in "Enterprise Economics"; qualification –...
 | - Valentyna Lavrenenko
- Professor
- Education 1988-1993 - Kyiv State University of Economics, Faculty of Planning and Economics, specialty in the diploma: "Economic and Social Planning", qualification of economist...
 | - Larysa Lihonenko
- Education 1980-1984 - Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute, Faculty of Economics (Graduated with honors with a degree in Trade Economics, Higher Qualification). 1989-1991 - Kyiv Trade...
 | - Nataliia Shevchuk
- Professor
- Education : 1995 - graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management of Kyiv State Economic University with a degree in Economics and Production Management (Specialist Diploma...
 | - Tetiana Shkoda
- Professor
- She graduated with honors from Kyiv National Economic University with a Master`s degree in marketing in 2003. After completing postgraduate program of National Aviation University in...
 | - Maksym Budiaiev
- Associate Professor
- Education 2012 – Obtained a bachelor's degree in Enterprise Economics with proficiency in English from the State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University...
 | - Nataliia Chukhraieva
- Associate Professor
- Education : 2015 - Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University . D. in Economics, specialty “Economics and Management of Enterprises”. Dissertation topic “Ensuring...
 | - Artem Dmytrenko
- In 2000 received a Master's degree in Investment Management with honors from Kyiv National Economic University. In 2000-2003 studied at the postgraduate program and worked as an...
 | - Liubov Dziubenko
- Associate Professor
- Education 1989 -1994 - studying at the Kiev State University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality "Economics and Production Management" (diploma of...
 | - Vlada Fursa
- Senior Lecturer
- Education In 2023, she graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman and defended dissertation for the degree of Philosophy Doctor (PhD) on “...
 | - Olena Hrebeshkova
- Associate Professor
- Education 2007 - Academic title of Associate Professor (Certificate 12DC No. 018515). 2005 - Defense of the PhD dissertation on the topic 'Strategy of External Growth of an...
 | - Fedir Ivanenko
- Experience in production - zootechnician-breeder of educational and research farm "Ukraine" of the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute, chief zootechnician-breeder of state farm "Reya" of...
 | - Volodymyr Khodakivskyi
- associate professor
- Education: 2007 – graduated from the State Higher Educational Institution State Agroecological University with a degree in Management of Organisations, qualification...
 | - Svitlana Klymenko
- Education G 1982-1987 G raduated from the Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry with a degree in Economics and Organization of the Food Industry...
 | - Vita Kovtun
- associate professor
- Education 1997-2002 - Vadim Hetman National Economic University of Kyiv, Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty in the Diploma "Investment Management" (Diploma...
 | - Iryna Kubareva
- Associate Professor
- EDUCATION, INTERNSHIP, TRAININGS, AWARDS Education 2010-2015 Ph.D. in Economics. Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman , Kyiv, Ukraine. Dissertation:...
 | - Maryna Kuzhel
- Education 1997 - 2003 National University of Food Technologies. Faculty: Economics and Management. Specialization: management of organizations. 2003 - 2007 - postgraduate studies at...
 | - Volodymyr Kuzomko
- associate professor
- Education 1994–1999 – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Economics, speciality by diploma: “Enterprise Economics”, qualification: “Master of...
 | - Oksana Kyryliuk
- Associate Professor
- Oksana Vasylivna Kyrylyuk was born on May 14, 1993, in the city of Slavuta, Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine. In 2011, she graduated from the Economic Gymnasium and received a high...
 | - Anastasiia Liezina
- Associate Professor
- Education: 2008 - graduated from Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy with a degree in "Ferrous Metallurgy" (diploma AR No. 34474221) 2008 - graduated from Zaporizhia...
 | - Olha Maliarchuk
- Associate Professor
- Education 2003 - 2008 - Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman with a degree in Business Economics, Master's degree in Project Management and Consulting...
 | - Oleksandr Nychyporuk
- Associate Professor
- Education 1991 - Economist, diploma with distinction, Zhitomir Technical School of Land Resourses 1996 – Master's degree, Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics...
 | - Valentyna Oberemchuk
- Associate Professor at Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department.
- Main professional skills: lecturing various economic subjects teaching of economic disciplines : corporate entrepreneurship (for English speaking students),business...
 | - Vitalii Pazdrii
- Education In 2009, received a bachelor's and master's degree in business economics, Strategic Management programme, from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym...
 | - Oleksandr Sadovnyk
- Associate Professor
- Education 2001 – Master's degree, Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics of the Agricultural Industry, diploma with honors in the specialty "Organization...
 | - Andrii Samoilenko
- Associate Professor
- Education: In 2006 completed studies at the Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman at the Faculty of Economics of the Agrarian-Industrial Complex and received...
 | - Iryna Sas
- Ph.D. in Economics
- Education: In 2013, she graduated from the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University and received a full higher education in "Enterprise Economics" and a master's degree in...
 | - Alina Semenchuk
- Associate Professor
- Education: 2002 - 2008 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University named Vadym Hetman, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality "Enterprise Economics",...
 | - Lidiia Sherhina
- associate professor
- Education 1982 - graduated from the Ukrainian Institute of Water Management Engineers (including the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne) with a degree...
 | - Oksana Shvydka
- associate professor
- Education 2004 – Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Management at Kyiv National Economic University , specializing in Economics and Entrepreneurship ....
 | - Yevhen Smyrnov
- Associate professor
- Education In 1996, he received a master's degree in Business Economics with a specialization in Investment Management and Privatization. 1996 - present - manager of...
 | - Yevhen Smyrnov
- Senior Lecturer
- Education In 2023, received a master's degree in the program “Social and Psychological Rehabilitation” with a degree in Social Work. In 2021, received a master's degree in...
 | - Oleksandr Starikov
- Associate Professor
- Education Born in the village of Snityn, Lubensky district, Poltava region. In 1992, he graduated from Kalytyansk secondary school, Brovary district, Kyiv region, with a gold medal....
 | - Mariia Tepliuk
- associate professor
- Education: 2014 - Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, specializing in "Entrepreneurial...
 | - Olena Terentieva
- Education 2004 - Kyiv National Economic University, speciality - Business Economics, Master of Business Economics 2016 - PhD in Economics, speciality 08.00.04 -...
 | - Vitalii Tsarov
- associate professor
- Education 1998-2003 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality ‘Economy of Enterprises’ (Master's degree), ...
 | - Valentyna Vostriakova
- Education 1995-2000 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality ‘Investment management’ (Master's degree) 2005-2009...
 | - Nataliia Yakusheva
- associate professor
- Education: 2000 - 2005 - Kyiv University of Economics and Transport Technologies, field of study - "Economics and entrepreneurship", qualification - bachelor's degree in...
 | - Halyna Yamnenko
- associate professor
- Education 1997-2002 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality ‘Management of Organisations’ (Master's degree),...
 | - Vasyl Andriichuk
- Senior Lecturer
- EDUCATION: 1997-2002 Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine Management of organisations, Business Economics in the agro-industrial...
 | - Oksana Chub
- Senior Lecturer
- Education 2023 - 2024 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Master's degree in psychology 2013 - 2017 Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym...
 | - Serhii Danylchenko
- Senior Lecturer
- Education 1993-1995 - training at the Kiev Military Institute of Management and Communications 1995-1996 - training at the Kiev College of the Hotel industry, specialty...