Faculty of Economics and Management

Faculty members

  • Inna Riepina
    Profesor, Head of Department
    Education She received her higher economic education at the Faculty of Economics of the Kyiv State Economic University (diploma with honors in the specialty "Economics and...
    Volodymyr Kukoba
    Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
      Education I’m received higher economic education at the Kyiv Institute of National Economy named after D.S. Korotchenko with a degree in Labor Economics (1985). In 2001,...
  • Olena Kuzmenko
    Associate Professor
    Education 1999 – Graduated with honours from the Faculty of Investigation and Criminalistics at the Luhansk Institute of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of...
    Kateryna Andriushсhenko
    She received her higher economic education at the Kyiv Institute of Tourism, Economics and Law (specialty "Organization Management", qualification "Manager-Economist") and was...
  • Kateryna Boichenko
    In 2009, she graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman and enrolled in the postgraduate program at the same institution. She began her professional...
    Oleksii Kotsiuba
    Education 2021 – Defended a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) dissertation on the topic “Methodology for Evaluating the Economic Efficiency of Enterprise Investment Projects under...
  • Olena Kyzenko
    Education 1995 - 2000 –  Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Faculty of Economics and Management, major in "Enterprise Economics"; qualification –...
    Valentyna Lavrenenko
    Education 1988-1993 - Kyiv State University of Economics, Faculty of Planning and Economics, specialty in the diploma: "Economic and Social Planning", qualification of economist...
  • Larysa Lihonenko
    Education 1980-1984 - Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute, Faculty of Economics (Graduated with honors with a degree in Trade Economics, Higher Qualification). 1989-1991 - Kyiv Trade...
    Nataliia Shevchuk
    Education : 1995 - graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management of Kyiv State Economic University with a degree in Economics and Production Management (Specialist Diploma...
  • Tetiana Shkoda
    She graduated with honors from Kyiv National Economic University with a Master`s degree in marketing in 2003. After completing postgraduate program of National Aviation University in...
    Maksym Budiaiev
    Associate Professor
    Education 2012 – Obtained a bachelor's degree in Enterprise Economics with proficiency in English from the State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University...
  • Nataliia Chukhraieva
    Associate Professor
    Education : 2015 - Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University . D. in Economics, specialty “Economics and Management of Enterprises”. Dissertation topic “Ensuring...
    Artem Dmytrenko
    In 2000 received a Master's degree in Investment Management with honors from Kyiv National Economic University. In 2000-2003 studied at the postgraduate program and worked as an...
  • Liubov Dziubenko
    Associate Professor
      Education 1989 -1994 - studying at the Kiev State University of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality "Economics and Production Management" (diploma of...
    Vlada Fursa
    Senior Lecturer
    Education In 2023, she graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman and defended dissertation for the degree of Philosophy Doctor (PhD) on “...
  • Olena Hrebeshkova
    Associate Professor
    Education 2007 - Academic title of Associate Professor (Certificate 12DC No. 018515). 2005 - Defense of the PhD dissertation on the topic 'Strategy of External Growth of an...
    Fedir Ivanenko
    Experience in production - zootechnician-breeder of educational and research farm "Ukraine" of the Zhytomyr Agricultural Institute, chief zootechnician-breeder of state farm "Reya" of...
  • Volodymyr Khodakivskyi
    associate professor
    Education: 2007 – graduated from the State Higher Educational Institution State Agroecological University with a degree in Management of Organisations, qualification...
    Svitlana Klymenko
      Education G 1982-1987 G raduated from the Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry   with a degree in  Economics and Organization of the Food Industry...
  • Vita Kovtun
    associate professor
    Education   1997-2002 - Vadim Hetman National Economic University of Kyiv, Faculty of Economics and Management, specialty in the Diploma "Investment Management" (Diploma...
    Iryna Kubareva
    Associate Professor
    EDUCATION, INTERNSHIP, TRAININGS, AWARDS Education 2010-2015 Ph.D. in Economics. Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman , Kyiv, Ukraine. Dissertation:...
  • Maryna Kuzhel
    Education 1997 - 2003 National University of Food Technologies. Faculty: Economics and Management. Specialization: management of organizations. 2003 - 2007 - postgraduate studies at...
    Volodymyr Kuzomko
    associate professor
    Education 1994–1999 – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Economics, speciality by diploma: “Enterprise Economics”, qualification: “Master of...
  • Oksana Kyryliuk
    Associate Professor
    Oksana Vasylivna Kyrylyuk  was born on May 14, 1993, in the city of Slavuta, Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine. In 2011, she graduated from the Economic Gymnasium and received a high...
    Anastasiia Liezina
    Associate Professor
    Education:   2008 - graduated from Zaporizhia State Engineering Academy with a degree in "Ferrous Metallurgy" (diploma AR No. 34474221)   2008 - graduated from Zaporizhia...
  • Olha Maliarchuk
    Associate Professor
    Education  2003 - 2008 - Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman with a degree in Business Economics, Master's degree in Project Management and Consulting...
    Oleksandr Nychyporuk
    Associate Professor
    Education 1991 - Economist, diploma with distinction, Zhitomir Technical School of Land Resourses 1996 – Master's degree, Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics...
  • Valentyna Oberemchuk
    Associate Professor at Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department.
    Main professional skills:   lecturing various economic subjects  teaching of economic disciplines : corporate entrepreneurship (for English speaking students),business...
    Vitalii Pazdrii
    Education In 2009, received a bachelor's and master's degree in business economics, Strategic Management programme, from the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym...
  • Oleksandr Sadovnyk
    Associate Professor
    Education 2001 – Master's degree, Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics of the Agricultural Industry, diploma with honors in the specialty "Organization...
    Andrii Samoilenko
    Associate Professor
    Education: In 2006 completed studies at the Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman at the Faculty of Economics of the Agrarian-Industrial Complex and received...
  • Iryna Sas
    Ph.D. in Economics
    Education: In 2013, she graduated from the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University and received a full higher education in "Enterprise Economics" and a master's degree in...
    Alina Semenchuk
    Associate Professor
    Education: 2002 - 2008 -  studying at the Kyiv National Economic University named Vadym Hetman, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality  "Enterprise Economics",...
  • Lidiia Sherhina
    associate professor
    Education 1982 - graduated from the Ukrainian Institute of Water Management Engineers (including the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne) with a degree...
    Oksana Shvydka
    associate professor
    Education 2004 – Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics and Management at Kyiv National Economic University , specializing in Economics and Entrepreneurship ....
  • Yevhen Smyrnov
    Associate professor
    Education   In 1996, he received a master's degree in Business Economics with a specialization in Investment Management and Privatization.  1996 - present - manager of...
    Yevhen Smyrnov
    Senior Lecturer
    Education In 2023, received a master's degree in the program “Social and Psychological Rehabilitation” with a degree in Social Work. In 2021, received a master's degree in...
  • Oleksandr Starikov
    Associate Professor
    Education Born in the village of Snityn, Lubensky district, Poltava region. In 1992, he graduated from Kalytyansk secondary school, Brovary district, Kyiv region, with a gold medal....
    Mariia Tepliuk
    associate professor
    Education: 2014 - Graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Management at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, specializing in "Entrepreneurial...
  • Olena Terentieva
    Education 2004 - Kyiv National Economic University, speciality - Business Economics, Master of Business Economics   2016 - PhD in Economics, speciality 08.00.04 -...
    Vitalii Tsarov
    associate professor
    Education 1998-2003 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality ‘Economy of Enterprises’ (Master's degree),  ...
  • Valentyna Vostriakova
    Education 1995-2000 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality ‘Investment management’ (Master's degree) 2005-2009...
    Nataliia Yakusheva
    associate professor
    Education:   2000 - 2005 - Kyiv University of Economics and Transport Technologies, field of study - "Economics and entrepreneurship", qualification - bachelor's degree in...
  • Halyna Yamnenko
    associate professor
    Education 1997-2002 - studying at the Kyiv National Economic University, Faculty of Economics and Management, speciality ‘Management of Organisations’ (Master's degree),...
    Vasyl Andriichuk
    Senior Lecturer
      EDUCATION: 1997-2002 Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine Management of organisations, Business Economics in the agro-industrial...
  • Oksana Chub
    Senior Lecturer
    Education 2023 - 2024 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Master's degree in psychology 2013 - 2017 Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym...
    Serhii Danylchenko
    Senior Lecturer
    Education 1993-1995 - training at the Kiev Military Institute of Management and Communications 1995-1996 - training at the Kiev College of the Hotel industry, specialty...