Faculty of Economics and Management

Research Work

Priority areas of scientific research
The Department of Management implements scientific research on current trends in the development of business organization management in the context of global trends in the digital economy as one of the priority areas of work. In particular, the following research areas have been identified
for the period 2021-2025:
  • determinants of modern management development
  • innovation and strategy in the context of digital transformation
  • strategic management of business organization development
  • operational and project management: imperatives and transformations
  • agribusiness management in national and international dimensions
Scientific schools
  • Scientific school of Management
  • Scientific School of Enterprise Strategy
  • Scientific School of Agricultural Management
Topics of five-year research works
  • “Strategic imperatives and determinants of modern management development” (2021-2025, state registration number 0121U109043)
Scientific cooperation

The Department of Management actively develops scientific and technical cooperationwith foreign partners in the following areas:

  • joint scientific research with subsequent publication of results in monographs, articles and abstracts, presentations at conferences
  • organization and holding of international scientific / scientific and practical conferences
  • shared supervision of PhD research
  • guest lectures and scientific seminars for applicants of all levels from specialists of foreign partner universities
  • invited speakers to partner institutions within the framework of webinars, trainings, lectures
  • organizing and conducting joint online classes with foreign partner universities 
  • participation in academic mobility programs for for teaching staff and students

An important area of scientific work is the publication and sharing of research results through discussions at national and international conferences. The Department of Management regularly organizes international scientific and practical conferences:

Scientific work of students
International Scientific Student Conference
“MANAGEMENT: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS” (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020)
Scientific achievements of students
Results of students' scientific work in 2020

Students' participation in international events:

  • International Students' Conference «Education: Creating Future Today