Strategy and business developmentANNOTATION OF THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE "Strategy and business development" 1. Purpose of the course and its interrelation with other disciplines in the curriculum The purpose of studying this discipline is to develop skills in identifying and assessing opportunities for successful business development by creating a value proposition for customers and business partners, as well as forming and implementing a qualitatively new interaction between different business entities to achieve their strategic goals. The search for effective and viable ways of survival and development in a post-industrial economy is embodied in the concept of business development, which focuses on the processes of creating a long-term value proposition for an organization, defined by customers, markets, and partnerships. Empirical experience in implementing the business development concept demonstrates a strong connection between commerce, marketing, negotiations, partnership development, projects, and research. Interdisciplinary connections.The teaching of the discipline "Strategy and Business Development" is based on the synthesis of knowledge, skills, and competencies acquired in such disciplines as "Strategic Management," "Marketing," "Innovative Business," "Creative Management," "Project Management," "Economic Governance," and "Entrepreneurial Law." It is aimed at enabling students to master managerial and methodological tools for identifying development problems and determining effective solutions. 2. Learning outcomes, methods, and diagnostic tools
3. Course content by topics Module 1. Conceptual foundations of business development Topic 1.Business trends in the post-industrial world: challenges for business development specialists Topic 2.Business development at different stages of its life cycle Topic 3.Strategic approach to business development Topic 4.Customer orientation in business Topic 5.Partnership as a business philosophy Module 2. Applied tools for business development Topic 6.Innovations in business development Topic 7.Business model: formation and transformation Topic 8.Business development in B2C, B2B, and B2G sectors Topic 9.Forecasting and evaluating business development effectiveness Topic 10.Business reputation and competitive positioning 4. Faculty members teaching the discipline and their email addresses Olena Hrebeshkova, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship 5. Recommended information sources 1. Verba V. A., Grebeshkova O. M. Business Development Management: A Study Guide. Kyiv: KNEU, 2011. 2. Vostryakov O. V., Grebeshkova O. M. Strategic Enterprise Management: Business Course. Kyiv: KNEU, 2014. 211 p. 3. Garnish Vern. Scaling Business: A Step-by-Step Strategy for Increasing Profits. Kyiv: Nash Format, 2018. 4. Grebeshkova O. M., Makhova G. V. Strategic Partnerships of Enterprises. Kyiv: KNEU, 2012. 5. Derevyanko O. G. Reputation Management of Enterprises: Theory, Methodology, Practice: Monograph. Kyiv, 2016. 471 p. 6. Pekar V. Colorful Management. Kharkiv: Folio, 2016. 280 p. 7. Balda T. Business Exit Value Strategy: Business Development to Finish Well. (n.p.): Tobias Marketing, 2021. 8. Gran Robert M. Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Text and Cases. Ninth Edition. Wiley, 2016. 9. Holt, K. W. Differentiation Strategy: Winning Customers by Being Different. Great Britain: Taylor & Francis, 2022. 10. Kohne A. Business Development: Processes, Methods and Tools. Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2022. 11. Osterwalder A., Pigneur Y., Bernardo G., Smith A. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want. Online resource.
Last redaction: 18.03.25 |