Faculty of Economics and Management

Research Paradigms of Socio-Economic Systems


Research Paradigms of Socio-Economic Systems

Compulsory for students of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education, educational program 051 "Economics"

1. Purpose of the Course:

The goal of studying this course is to acquire knowledge, master methods, tools, and practical skills for researching socio-economic systems and processes at various levels of localization: global, national, regional, and business entity levels.
The course program is based on a generalization of theoretical developments on this topic. Specifically, it covers:

  • Module 1: Paradigms of the formation of the global socio-economic system;
  • Module 2: Genesis of paradigms of public administration and national economic analysis, including a general overview and critical comparison of viewpoints, concepts, models, and tools;
  • Module 3: Conceptual genesis and methodological paradigms of regional-spatial development;
  • Module 4: Genesis of paradigms and research fields in the field of business economics and management, analyzing studies related to economics and management problems.

Interdisciplinary Connections:
The course "Research Paradigms of Socio-Economic Systems" integrates a significant number of basic concepts and methods from general theoretical and specialized disciplines, such as "Philosophy of Science," "Methodology of Economic Research," "Management of Scientific Projects," "Genesis of Economic Theories," "Sustainable Development Economics," "Socioeconomics," and "Creative Economy."

Table 1 – Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools for the Course "Research Paradigms of Socio-Economic Systems" in Accordance with Learning Outcomes

Code of LО (According to ESP)

Learning Outcomes (According to ESP)

Teaching Methods

Diagnostic Tools / Evaluation Forms

LO 1

Master advanced conceptual and methodological knowledge in economics, management of socio-economic systems, and at the intersection of subject areas, as well as research skills sufficient for conducting fundamental and applied research at the level of global achievements in the respective field.

Acquiring knowledge of theoretical concepts that explain national, regional, and organizational development in modern economic systems; mastering the methodological apparatus for national, regional, and organizational economic development within domestic scientific schools and Western schools; ability to flexibly and creatively modify methodological constructs through the synthesis of various concepts.

Bibliometric analysis of scientific publications. Presentations, reports, participation in discussions, Kahoot quizzes; comparative analysis of different concepts and models, development of intellectual maps of the knowledge domain. Designing own definitions and interpretations. Interdisciplinary learning methods; case studies; discussions, debates.

LO 2

Deeply understand the fundamental principles and methods of economic sciences, as well as the methodology of scientific research, creating new knowledge in economics to achieve economic and social development in the context of globalization.

Accumulation of knowledge regarding modern scientific research methods and their use in analyzing socio-economic systems; ability to apply research methods adequately when preparing dissertations.

Bibliometric analysis, critical analysis of scientific publications, content analysis of texts, Internet surfing.

LO 4

Apply modern tools and technologies for searching, processing, and analyzing information, including statistical methods for analyzing large data sets and/or complex structures, specialized software, and information systems.

Improving skills in reading scientific texts, selecting relevant methodologies for conducting research; acquiring skills to work with statistical databases and online platforms related to national, regional, and organizational development. Understanding the content and specifics of statistical (mathematical macro- and microeconomic, econometric, cartographic) apparatus for analyzing economic/social/environmental indicators.

Bibliometric analysis, critical analysis of scientific publications, content analysis of texts, Internet surfing. Formation of systematized data arrays (Database), econometric and economic-mathematical modeling; creating summary tables, building graphs, charts, block diagrams, tabular and graphical observation. Individual calculation and creative research tasks with visualization of results and discussions.

LO 6

Present and discuss research results, theoretical and practical issues in economics with specialists and non-specialists in both the national and foreign languages, and effectively reflect research outcomes in scientific publications in leading scientific journals.

Ability to apply well-established methods in the scientific world for analyzing national, regional, and organizational economic phenomena and processes, explaining the principles and concepts of national, regional, and organizational development, explaining their implementation in practice, and improving research methods for socio-economic systems of different levels.

Critical thinking development technology for identifying and characterizing paradigms of modern socio-economic systems based on scientific concepts, methodologies, models, and research tools. Active participation in brainstorming within a group, demonstrating theoretical knowledge and creativity in identifying and characterizing paradigms of modern socio-economic systems, and testing. Evaluation of the quality of preparation and delivery of presentations on personal research.

LO 8

Plan and conduct empirical and/or theoretical research in the field of economics and related interdisciplinary areas, critically analyze the results of own research and other researchers in the context of the entire complex of modern knowledge on the investigated problem.

Ability to apply relevant methods for analyzing, assessing, and forecasting specific spatial processes and phenomena, and obtaining adequate results to develop strategic goals for regional/spatial development and their implementation within the framework of regional policy.

Learning technology for positivist quantitative and qualitative approaches to conducting research. Experimental method technology based on researching a specific problem to identify paradigmatic conditions for socio-economic phenomena/processes. Methodology for selecting and analyzing the relevance of alternative tools used to study the selected problem; hypothesis testing; critical analysis of modeling/research results. Presentation of results on the selected research problem of socio-economic paradigms.

LO 9

Formulate and test hypotheses; use appropriate evidence to support conclusions, including theoretical analysis, empirical research, and mathematical/computer modeling, as well as available literature data.

Ability to identify systemic paradigmatic interconnections and mutual influence of economic and social phenomena in regional development based on the defined paradigm of regional systems.

Systemic analysis; PEST-SWOT analysis; group work and brainstorming; methods of visualizing relationships and creating information blocks. Presentation and discussion of the selected research problem on the paradigmatic nature of socio-economic phenomena in the economic space.

Course Content by Topics

Content Module 1: Contemporary Paradigms of Research on the Global Economic System

  • Topic 1: Global Socio-Economic System: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Research
  • Topic 2: Formation of the Global Economic System
  • Topic 3: Social Dimensions of Global Economic Development

Content Module 2: Paradigmatic Analysis of Scientific Research in National Economics and Public Administration

  • Topic 4: Evolution of Approaches to Explaining the Role of the State in the Economy in the 20th Century
  • Topic 5: New Meanings of the Governance Concept and New Practices of Public Economic Management in the Late 20th and Early 21st Century
  • Topic 6: Positive and Normative Aspects of the Governance Concept: Potential for Use in Economic Research

Content Module 3: Formation of Paradigms for Regional Socio-Economic Systems Development

  • Topic 7: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Research and Management of Regional Development and Formation of Regional System Paradigms
  • Topic 8: Defining the Essential Characteristics of Contemporary Regional System Paradigms and Their Manifestations in Ukraine
  • Topic 9: Global Factors in the Formation of Contemporary Regional System Paradigms

Content Module 4: Paradigmatic Analysis of Research on Microeconomic Systems (Enterprises) and Management

  • Topic 10: The Enterprise as a Microeconomic Socio-Economic System: Classical and Innovative Approaches
  • Topic 11: Contemporary Paradigms for Researching the Components, Preconditions, and Factors of Enterprise Development as a Microeconomic System
  • Topic 12: Paradigmatic Research Methodologies for Enterprise Management, Business Design, and Business Modeling

Scientific and Pedagogical Staff Responsible for Teaching the Course and Their Contact Emails:

·         Module 1: Tsymbal L. I., Doctor of Science (in Economics), Professor, Department of International Economics
Email: liudmyla.tsymbal@kneu.edu.ua

·         Module 2: Nykyforov A.Е., Doctor of Science (in Economics), Professor, Department of National Economics and Public Administration
Email: radionova.iryna@kneu.edu.ua

·         Module 3: Shevchenko O. V., Doctor of Science (in Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Regional Studies and Tourism
Email: kre_shevchenko.olga@kneu.edu.ua

·         Module 4: Ligonenko L. O., Doctor of Science (in Economics), Professor, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship
Email: larisa.ligonenko@kneu.edu.ua

Recommended Information Sources (APA Style):

For Content Module 1:

1.   Kutsyk, P. O. (2015). Global economy: Principles of formation, functioning, regulation, and development: Monograph. Lviv. 594 p.

2.   Bondarets, M. (2011). Global strategies of transformation and structural modernization of socio-economic development in transitional countries. Studies in International Economics: Collection of Scientific Works, 2(67), 99-110.

3.   Taran-Lala, O. M. (2016). Functioning of socio-economic systems: Theory and practice: Monograph. Poltava: PUEET. 332 p.

For Content Module 2:

4. Kohler-Koch, B., & Rittberger, B. (2006). Review article: The "Governance Turn" in EU studies. Journal of Common Market Studies, 44(S1), 27-49.

5. Osborne, D., & Gaebler, T. (1992). Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector. Reading: Addison-Wesley. 348 p.

6. Pierre, J., & Peters, B. G. (2000). Governance, politics, and the state. New York: St. Martin’s. 124-127 p.

7. Boyko, T., Syrotiuk, Y., Halayko, B., & Denysov, K. (Eds.). (2019). Economic nationalism and social justice: Collection of materials of the Sixth Bandera Readings. Kyiv: NAC "USSD". 320 p.

For Content Module 3:

8. Zavhorodnyi, K. V. (2021). Conceptual foundations of strategic management of socio-economic systems at the meso level: Monograph. Dnipro: Monolith. 251 p.

 9. Kovalov, A. I., et al. (Eds.). (2021). Instruments of local economic development: Theory, methodology, practice: Monograph. Kyiv: Huliaieva V. M. 412 p.

For Content Module 4:

10. Repina, I. M., Kukoba, V. P., Kizenko, O. O., et al. (2021). Neo-economics and imperatives of entrepreneurship development: Monograph. Kyiv: KNEU. 243 p. [Electronic resource].

11. Antonuk, L. L., Ilnytskyi, D. O., Ligonenko, L. O., Denysova, O. O., et al. (2021). Digital economy: Impact of information and communication technologies on human capital and the formation of future competencies: Monograph. Kyiv: KNEU. 337 p.

12. Ligonenko, L. O., Harafohova, O. I., Omelianenko, T. V., et al. (2017). Building the business-organization management system in the innovative economy: Monograph. Kyiv: KNEU. 436 p.

Last redaction: 18.03.25