Faculty of Economics and Management

Creation and development of IT products_076


Training course "Creation and development of IT products"

Recommended for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education

1. The purpose of studying the discipline is to form a set of knowledge in the system of product IT, entrepreneurship and product management and to acquire competencies and practical skills for working in a product IT company.

Interdisciplinary connections.Teaching of the training course ‘Creation and Development of IT Products’ is based on the synthesis of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the study of other disciplines and is focused on the mastery of theoretical foundations and methodological tools for the formation and implementation of management strategy in product IT companies.

Prerequisites:the discipline is based on the knowledge and competencies that acquired by a higher education student in the course of studying academic disciplines: ‘Digital Entrepreneurship and Digital Business Models’, “Design Thinking and Creativity Development”, “Business Processes and Their Automation”, “Strategic Management”, “Business Analytics for Entrepreneurs” and others.

Post-requisites:the discipline provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills that will be useful when writing a qualifying master's thesis.

2. Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools.

Teaching methods and diagnostic tools for learning outcomes in the discipline

Training course “Creation and development of IT products”

Learning outcomes for the discipline

Learning methods

Means of 





systemic principles of combining information and management technologies to improve the cognitive component and automate management processes

Lecture, discussion with elements of analysis

Surveys, testing




determine the success of IT products using special metrics

Demonstration, solving specific tasks and situations, case analysis

Preparation of presentations, testing,

  preparation of the certification project


form a product team to launch your own start-up

Project-based learning, brainstorming


validate your ideas with the help of quantitative and qualitative surveys, as well as hypothesis testing

Demonstration, solving specific problems and situations, case analysis


operate with basic marketing tools for product promotion

Project-based learning, brainstorming


think in product and entrepreneurial terms

solving specific problems and situations, case analysis




Ability to interact with technical team members, understanding their role and function in product development

Project-based learning, case studies, mini-training

Preparation of presentations, project preparation, reflection


Ability to perform basic competencies at the product manager level

Solving specific tasks and situations, case analysis


Ability to present the results of analytical processing of information

Demonstration, project-based learning


Responsibility and autonomy


the ability to act consciously and socially responsibly on the basis of ethical considerations and principles of integrity both autonomously and in a team, performing professional tasks

Presentation of papers, presentation of the final paper

presentation of certification papers,

answers to questions,



ability to solve problems in a complex manner


ability to assess risks and make decisions

3. Content of the discipline by topic

Topic 1: Introduction to the course on product IT.

Topic 2. Product team. Product manager and management.

Topic 3. Target audience research.

Topic 4. Decision-making in digital products.

Topic 5. Product analytics.

Topic 6. Performance marketing and user engagement.

Topic 7. Behavioural patterns.

Topic 8: Product design.

Topic 9: Technical component of product development.

Topic 10. Team management and leadership

4. Academic staff and their e-mail addresses

Yamnenko H., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, e-mail: yamnenko@kneu.edu.ua

5. Recommended information sources

1.      Barden F. Hacking Marketing. The science of why we buy. K.: Force, 2021. 304 с.

2.      Cohn M. Evaluation and planning in Agile. K.: Fabula, 2019. 356 с.

3.      Lukominsky M. Race against the clock. How to become a unicorn among the ocean of donkeys.  Kharkiv: Vivat, 2021. 256 с.

4.      Hierarchy, goals and development of a startup. What is RoadMap and how to create it. 2022 - URL: https://vctr.media/ua/shho-take-roadmap-i-yak-korystuvatysja-140780/.

5.      Interactive course on the Strum platform - Creation and development of IT products - Yamnenko - KNEU - https://strum.education/teacher/courses

6.      Distance course of the discipline on the Moodle platform - Training course “Creation and Development of IT Products” - Yamnenko - EMBE66148E - URL: https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/ course/view.php?id=4855

Last redaction: 11.02.25