Faculty of Economics and Management

Design Thinking and Creativity Development


"Design Thinking and Creativity Development"

Recommended for applicants to the second (master's) level of higher education.

The purpose of the discipline is to form in the applicantsa set of knowledge and practical skills in the field of design thinking, the use of effective and efficient tools to activate creative thinking to justify and quickly make management decisions in real-time, taking into account modern business trends.

Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline "Design Thinking and Creativity Development" are studied at the second (master's) level of higher educationspecialty 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Stock Exchange Activities", educational and professional program "Innovative Entrepreneurship and Digital Leadership" for full-time and distance learning. It is based on the logic of the educational and professional program and the use of methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, in particular global competitive leadership, strategic management, business analytics for entrepreneurs, etc.

Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in accordance with the academic discipline "Design Thinking and Creativity Development": formation and use in accordance with learning outcomes

Learning outcome by academic discipline

Methods teaching




Learning outcome




theoretical aspects "design thinking " concepts

lecture, seminar lesson, discussion, performance calculated to do it

presentation, survey, check implementation calculated works, inspection report, protection report 


stages of work according to the concept of "design thinking"


theoretical foundations of creativity and creative thinking


methods of activating creative thinking and intuitive search for solutions


Skills / Abilities:


carry out search and processing of necessary informationregarding a real enterprise; 

seminar lesson, discussion, solution-specific tasks, and situations, working in small creative groups  

presentation, survey, check report, protection report 


apply design thinking principles for analysis problems and search ways its solution


apply tools design thinking concepts for the analysis of consumer behavior and formation cards empathy


apply techniques and tools creation concepts solutions


apply tools of prototyping and testing for simulation ideas, prototype development, and evaluation results of the testing


apply methods activating creative thinking to search for an effective solution



Production from applicants' practical skills command work, namely:

seminar class, discussion, work in small groups creative groups 


audit implementation resolved specific tasks and situations, presentation, with ahist report


report to specialists and non-specialists information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and reasoning


ability to work in a team - take responsibility for the sake of achievement of the set goal


ability to effectively form a communication strategy 


Responsibility and autonomy

demonstrate understanding personal responsibility and ability to bear responsibility for the production professional or managerial solution or provided recommendations that can to influence the activity enterprises as a whole or its individual divisions , in particular when:

reports, execution analytical and computational tasks 




check implementation calculated works, inspection report, protection report 


critical thinking skills analysis when solving practical tasks


ability to be independent and self-reliant thinking , formulation ideas and production hypothesis 


Content of the academic discipline "Design Thinking and Creativity Development” by topics:

Topic 1.Introduction to Design Thinking. Stages work according to the design thinking scheme

Topic 2. Characteristics of the concept of design thinking: principles, process. Empathy: understanding human needs and shortages in

Topic 3. Consumer ethnography – a brief description of consumer needs in

Topic 4. Process generation of ideas. Techniques and tools creation concepts solutions

Topic 5. Prototyping: Applying a Practical Approach to Modeling Ideas

Topic 6.Testing: developing a prototype of the variant solution problems and assessment received results

Topic 7.Creativity and creativity thinking: research key concepts

Topic 8.Methods activation of creative thinking and intuitive search solutions. Diagnostics giftedness and creativity

Academic staff and their email addresses

Vita KOVTUN, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, kovtun .vita @ kneu.edu.ua

Recommended information sources

1.  Bender, Rahmin .( 2020). Design Thinking as an Effective Method for Driving Innovative Solutions to Wicked Problems. Fielding Graduate University; https://search.proquest.com/docview/2394838219?pq-origsite=primo

2.  Coker, Alison. (2019). A Design Thinking Approach to Improve School Leader Onboarding in the Context of Creating a Principal Succession Management Framework. The Stout School of Education; https://search.proquest.com/docview/2414802683/?pq-origsite=primo

3.   Christian Mueller - Roterberg (2018). Handbook of Design Thinking. Tips & Tools for how this design thinking.

4.   Gasparini , Andrea. (2020). Design Thinking for Design Capabilities in an Academic Library. University of Oslo https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/72835

5.  MURAL - the best virtual whiteboard for collective work (2020). https://lifehacker.ru/mural-ly/

6.  Most Catherine (2018). Design thinking methods for career planning. https://uxdesign.cc/design-thinking-methods-for-career-planning-7af7e5b27cd1

7.  The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design. (2015). 1st Edition. ISBN: 978-0-9914063-1-9. 192 pp

8.  Van Gompel , Kristin. (2019). Cultivating 21st Century Skills: An Exploratory Case Study of Design Thinking as a Pedagogical Strategy for Elementary Classrooms. Pepperdine University ; https://search.proquest.com/docview/2275957805/?pq-origsite=primo

9. Wang, Jennifer. (2020). Developing Teachers Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge ( TPaCK ) Through Design Thinking and Community of Practice. San Jose State University; https://search.proquest.com/docview/2425886039/?pq-origsite=primo

10. Ligonenko LO et al. Design management as a new approach to management. 2019. URL: https://www.inter-nauka.com/uploads/public/15484222923322.pdf




Last redaction: 18.03.25