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- Innovative entrepreneurship_076
Innovative entrepreneurship_076ANNOTATION OF THE ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE “Innovative entrepreneurship” Recommended for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education The purpose of the discipline: formation of a set of knowledge, skills, abilities to understand the essence, tools and processes of innovative entrepreneurial activity, taking into account current trends and needs of innovative economic development. The interdisciplinary connections of the discipline “Innovative Entrepreneurship” are determined by the peculiarities of training of applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the EPP “Entrepreneurship” in the programme subject area 076 “Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities”. It is based on the logic of the theoretical and methodological foundation of business organization, as well as the methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, including“Macroeconomics”,“Microeconomics”,«Management”,“Marketing”, «Business strategy”, and “Project analysis”. 2. Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools: Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnostics of learning outcomes in the discipline "Innovative entrepreneurship" in accordance with the learning outcomes. Learningoutcomes | Teachingmethods | Means of diagnostics | | Learning Outcomes | 1. | Knowledge: | 1.1 | theessenceofinnovationandinnovativeentrepreneurship; classificationofinnovationsandcharacteristicsoftheinnovationlifecycle; | lecture, seminar,solving specific problemsandsituations, case-study | presentation, survey, test, case-study, control (module) work, exam | 1.2 | toolsforgeneratinginnovativebusinessideas | 1.3 | thenatureandcomponentsoftheentrepreneurialecosystem; | 1.4 | methodsofcustomerresearchandvalidationofkeyhypotheses | 1.5 | Theessenceofcompetitiveanalysisandindicatorsofmarketsizeidentification | 1.6 | themainsourcesofinvestmentsupportforthedevelopmentofinnovative entrepreneurship; | 1.7 | the nature, approaches and models of commercialization of intellectual property rights;methodologicalapproachestothevaluationofintellectualpropertyrights | lecture, seminar, practicaltasks,case- study | 1.8 | instrumentsofstateregulationandsupportforinnovation; | 2. | Skills: | 2.1 | determinethestagesandparametersoftheinnovationlifecycle; | seminar, discussion, workinsmallcreative groups, case-study | presentation, survey, test, case-study, checking of calculations, | 2.2 | toformaninnovativebusinessmodelofthecompany; | 2.3 | developaminimumviableproductforaninnovativebusinessidea; | 2.4 | researchpotentialcustomersandvalidatekeyhypotheses; | |
2.5 | chooseaneffectiveformoflegalprotectionofintellectualproperty; | seminar,discussion, case-study | control(module) work, exam | 2.6 | determinethemarketsizeforaninnovativeproduct/service; | seminar, discussion, solving specific problemsandsituations | 2.7 | usethestatebenefitsandpreferencesprovidedbythelegalandregulatory framework for starting and scaling up a newly created enterprise; | 2.8 | justifysourcesoffinancingforinnovativeentrepreneurialactivities; | seminar,discussion, practicaltasks,case- study | 2.9 | analyzemarketsizeandpotentialcustomers; | 2.10 | comprehensivelyformaroadmapforscalingaproduct/serviceanddevelop programs for their commercialization | 3. | Communication | Developingpracticalteamworkskillsinstudents,namely: | seminar,discussion, solving specific problems and situations | checking the performanceof calculations, case-studies, situations, presentations, exam | 3.1 | communicatinginformation,ideas,problems,solutions,ownexperienceand arguments | 3.2 | abilitytoworkinateam-totakeresponsibilityforachievingthegoal | 3.3 | communicate on professional issues orally and in writing with participants in economicrelationstoensurethefunctioninganddevelopmentoftheenterprise | 3.4 | abilitytodevelopproposalsforeliminatingidentifiedshortcomingsanderrors | 4. | Responsibilityandautonomy | demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to take responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or providing recommendationsthatmayaffecttheinnovationactivitiesoftheenterpriseasa whole or its individual components, in particular when | seminar,discussion, solving specific problems and situations,analytical report, presentation | checking the performanceof calculation works, case- study, control (module)work, exam | 4.1 | managingcomplextechnicalorprofessionalactivitiesorinnovativeprojects | 4.2 | formingjudgmentsthattakeintoaccountsocial,scientificandethicalaspects | 4.3 | insubstantiatingoperational,tacticalandstrategicmanagementdecisionson various aspects of innovation activities. | 4.4 | whendevelopingtheirownpracticalideasbasedontheprinciplesofacademic culture and integrity | 4.5 | withtheabilitytocontinuetheirstudieswithasignificantdegreeofautonomy | 4.6 | withtheabilitytocontinuetheirstudieswithasignificantdegreeofautonomy |
3. The structure of course “Innovative entrepreneurship” Topic 1:Innovations as a basis for economic development Topic 2. Entrepreneurial ecosystem of the company Topic 3.The process of generating innovative business ideas Topic 4.Customer research and validation of key hypotheses Topic 5. Business models of innovative entrepreneurship Topic 6. Market research and potential competitors Topic 7.Investment support for the development of innovative entrepreneurship Topic 8. Intellectual property, its types and protection Theme 9.Commercialization of the results of innovative activity Topic 10. State regulation and support of innovation activities 4. Scientific and pedagogical personnel who provide teaching: Olha Maliarchuk,Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, olga_maliarchuk@ukr.net 5. Recommendedinformationsources: 1. Innovationmanagement:atextbook/S.M.Ilyashenko. -Sumy:Universitybook,2023.-334 с. 2. Petrenko L.A. Innovative development of the enterprise: genesis of theory and modern management practice / L.A. Petrenko - Kyiv: NUOU, 2020. 328 p. 3. Economics and organization of innovative activity: a practical guide / I. Pavlenko, G. Shvydanenko, N. Noritsyna. - KYIV: KNEU, 2012. - 347 с 4. Oslo Manual. 2018.Guidelines for Collecting,Reporting and Using Data on Innovation, 4th Edition [electronic access mode] https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/science-and-technology/oslo-manual-2018_9789264304604-en Last redaction: 18.02.25 |