AGRICULTURAL MARKET INFRASTRUCTURE AND AGROTRADING_AEAANNOTATION OF THE COURSE AGRICULTURAL MARKET INFRASTRUCTURE AND AGROTRADING Recommended for applicants of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. The purpose of the course is to understand the basics of the functioning of the agricultural market and the main components of its infrastructure (exchanges, wholesale and retail trade, transportation and storage of agricultural products, information support of the market), as well as learn to assess their effectiveness and carry out trading activities in agricultural goods. The knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the course are necessary for carrying out trading activities in the domestic and international markets of agricultural goods, participating in exchange trading, managing trading companies, carrying out transport and logistics activities, as well as when working in financial institutions, consulting companies and government bodies that perform regulatory functions. Interdisciplinary connections. The discipline is taught to undergraduate students and is related to other academic disciplines, in particular, "Marketing", "Organization of Production in Agribusiness", "Technology of Production and Processing of Crop Products", "Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products", "Economics of an Agribusiness Enterprise". Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the academic discipline "Agricultural Market Infrastructure and Agrotrading" in accordance with the learning outcomes
The content of the academic discipline by topics: Topic 1. The agricultural market and its functioning Topic 2. The essence, components and significance of the agricultural market infrastructure Topic 3. The effectiveness of the agricultural market infrastructure Topic 4. State regulation of the development of the agrarian market infrastructure Topic 5. Agricultural commodity exchanges and exchange trading Topic 6. Wholesale and retail trade. Agrotrading. Topic 7. Agro-trading houses and agricultural marketing cooperatives Topic 8. Agricultural auctions, fairs and exhibitions Topic 9. Transportation and storage of agricultural products Topic 10. Information support and consulting activities in the agrarian market infrastructure Scientific and pedagogical workers providing teaching of the academic discipline. Starikov Oleksandr, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, e-mail:, Recommended informational sources: · Valigursky D.I. Organization of commercial activity in the market infrastructure. Textbook for bachelors. 2019. - 300p. · Pasichnyk V.G., Akilina O.V. Commodity market infrastructure: Textbook. – Kyiv: Center for educational literature, 2015. 136 p. · Taraevska L.S. Commodity market infrastructure: textbook. Ivano-Frankivsk: IFNTUNG, 2020. 107 p. · Starikov O.Yu. Efficiency of agricultural market infrastructure and its impact on agriculture. – Economics and Entrepreneurship. Collection of scientific papers No. 38/2017. – Kyiv: KNEU, 2017, p.51-62. · Pasichnyk V.G., Akilina O.V. Infrastructure of the commodity market: Study guide. - Kyiv: Centre for Educational Literature, 2015. 136 p. · Shifting into Higher Gear. Recommendations for Improved Grain Logistics in Ukraine. World Bank Report No: ACS15163, August 2015. — 36 p. Last redaction: 17.02.25 |