Faculty of Economics and Management

Cost Management_073


(«Cost Management»)

Recommended for students pursuing a first (bachelor’s) level of higher education

Course Objective

Formation of systematized knowledge regarding the mechanism of formation of enterprise costs and mastery of tools (methods, models, indicators) for their planning, control, and optimization. Special attention is paid to modern tools for taking into account uncertainty and risk and decision-making within the framework of cost management.

Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline

The study of the discipline “Cost Management” is based on previously acquired competencies in such disciplines as “Microeconomics”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Finance”, “Management”, “Accounting”, “Enterprise Finance”, and the Training course “Economic Substantiation of Management Decisions”, “Personnel Management”.

Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, and Assessment Tools

Table 1 – Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools for "Cost Management" aligned with Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools




composition of costs, structure, and mechanism of functioning of the enterprise cost management system

lectures, presentations, discussions, situational tasks

Surveys via class discussions, testing, processing of theoretical questions of control (modular) works, final control work


regularities and factors of formation of enterprise costs

lectures, discussions, situational tasks


structure and procedure of drawing up estimates of responsibility centres and the enterprise as a whole

lectures, presentations, discussions, situational tasks


mechanism and methods of accounting for enterprise costs, formation of responsibility centres

lectures, presentations, discussions, situational tasks


scheme of adaptation of the enterprise operating system to change its loading according to the cost criterion

lectures, presentations, discussions, situational tasks


methodological apparatus for minimizing the costs of creating and storing enterprise inventories

lectures, presentations, discussions, situational tasks




identify and analyse the factors that shape the company's costs, build the company's cost functions, calculate planned cost indicators within the framework of budgeting for responsibility centres and the company as a whole

practical tasks (case studies, tasks, analytical and computational situational tasks)

Results of solving practical tasks within the framework of thematic individual work and control (modular) work, results of performing and defending analytical and computational individual tasks of individual work


identify and analyse the factors that shape the company's costs, build the company's cost functions, calculate planned cost indicators within the framework of budgeting for responsibility centres and the company as a whole

practical tasks (case studies, tasks, analytical and computational situational tasks)


calculate the cost of production of the enterprise, using various methodological approaches

practical tasks (tasks, analytical and computational situational tasks)


use the tools of target formation, structural analysis and reduction of enterprise costs

practical tasks (tasks, analytical and computational situational tasks)


use the methodological apparatus to minimize the costs of creating and storing enterprise inventories

practical tasks (tasks, analytical and computational situational tasks)




ability to convey information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience, and arguments

lectures, discussions, practical tasks

Surveys via class discussions, results of individual study of theoretical questions and practical tasks


ability to communicate on professional issues orally and in writing with participants in economic relations to ensure the functioning and development of the enterprise


ability to develop proposals for eliminating identified shortcomings, errors


Responsibility and Autonomy


ability to understand personal responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or providing recommendations related to the analysis, planning, and control of enterprise costs, and building an effective enterprise cost management system

practical tasks

Results of individual work on practical tasks


ability to bear responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or providing recommendations related to the analysis, planning, and control of enterprise costs, building an effective enterprise cost management system

Course Content by Topics

Module 1

Topic 1. Essential characteristics of costs

Topic 2. Regularities and factors of cost formation

Topic 3. Cost management system

Topic 4. Formation of costs of responsibility centres and the enterprise as a whole

Topic 5. Product cost

Topic 6. Activity-Based Costing

Module 2

Topic 7. Accounting in the cost management system

Topic 8. Cost control and stimulation of resource savings

Topic 9. Analysis of the “Costs-Volume-Profit” system as a tool for substantiating production and marketing decisions

Topic 10. Methods of target formation, structural analysis and cost reduction

Topic 11. Adaptation of the operating system to changes in its load according to the cost criterion

Topic 12. Minimization of costs for the creation and storage of inventories

Faculty Members Teaching the Course

Oleksiy Kotsyuba, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, kotsyuba.oleksiy@kneu.edu.ua

Iryna Kubareva, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, iryna.kubareva@kneu.ua

Recommended information sources

  1. Greshchak M.G., Gordiyenko V.M., Kotsiuba O.S., Lozovyk Y.M. Cost management: a manual / edited by M.G. Greshchak. Kyiv: KNEU, 2008. 264 p.
  2. Greshchak M.G., Gordiyenko V.M., Kotsiuba O.S., Lozovyk Y.M. Cost management: a workshop / edited by M.G. Greshchak. Kyiv: KNEU, 2011. 190 p.Blocher, Edward. Cost management: a strategic emphasis / Edward J. Blocher, David E. Stout, Gary Cokins.—9th ed. 2022.
  3. Cost Management Accounting and Control Don R. Hansen Maryanne M. Mowen.—5th ed. 2007.
  4. Kubareva I. Leadership and effective cost management as the components of corporate social responsibility / Kubareva I. V., Maliarchuk O. H., Pohuda N. V. // II International Scientific Conference The Modern Trends in the Development of Business Social Responsibility, Part I, June 29th, 2018. Lisbon, Portugal. 140 p. – P. 96-98.
Last redaction: 05.03.25