Technology of production and processing of plant productsABSTRACT OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Technology of production and processing of plant products Recommended for applicants of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, educational program - "Economics of agribusiness and agrotrading" The goal of the discipline: acquisition of knowledge and skills in matters of agrotechnics of cultivation of the main agricultural crops, standardization and certification, evaluation of technologies according to the quality indicators of the raw materials received, modern methods of storage, transportation, primary and advanced processing of plant products, necessary for the manager, economist of agrarian and processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Interdisciplinary connections: The mastery of this discipline forms the basis of the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for studying the disciplines of a professional direction: economics of an agribusiness enterprise, agrarian management, organization of production in agribusiness, innovative activity in agribusiness, justification of economic decisions and risk assessment, etc. Learning outcomes, learning methods and diagnostic tools: Table – Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes from the educational discipline "Technology of production and processing of plant products" in accordance with learning outcomes
Content of the academic discipline by topics: Topic 1. Scientific foundations of the formation of effective technology systems in crop production. Topic 2. Bread cereals. Topic 3. Legume crops. Topic 4. Oil crops. Topic 5. Essential oil cultures. Topic 6. Root vegetables. Topic 7. Vegetable crops. Topic 8. Fruit and berry crops. Topic 9. Fodder crops. Topic 10. Medicinal plants. Scientific and pedagogical workers who provide teaching of the academic discipline, and their email addresses: Ivanenko Fedir Viktorovych - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Recommended information sources: 1. Bazalii V.V. Zinchenko O.I. Lavrynenko Y.O. Crop production: textbook.- 2020.- 520 p. 2. Vakal A. P., Lytvynenko Y.I. Crop production: a study guide. – Sumy: [FOP Tsyoma S.P.], 2021. – 128 p. 3. Ivanenko F.V. Technology of production and processing of plant products: Education. manual. - K.: KNEU, 2008. - 600 p. 4. Ivanenko F.V., Samoilenko A.G., Ivanenko V.F. Methodical materials for technological practice for students. special "Management of agribusiness", "Economics of agribusiness": Study guide - K.: KNEU, 2018. - 63 p. 5. Ivanenko V. F., Ivanenko F.V. Production and processing technology of crop production: laboratory workshop. - K.: KNEU, 2018. - 162 p. 6. Mazur V. A., Polishchuk I. S., Telekalo N. V., Mordvaniuk M. A. Crop production: education. manual (Part I). Vinnytsia, VNAU, 2020. - 349 p.
Last redaction: 18.02.25 |