Faculty of Economics and Management




Recommended for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education

The purpose of studying this discipline is to master the theoretical foundations of innovation studies and the regularities of innovation processes; to acquire knowledge and skills related to the innovation management system in business organizations; and to perform typical professional tasks of a manager in the field of innovation management.

Interdisciplinary Connections: This discipline integrates and deepens the principles of Microeconomics, Entrepreneurship, Management, and Business Analysis. Basic knowledge of economic research methodology and interactive learning methods (creative tasks, small group work, case studies, problem-solving methods, and various types of game-based learning) is provided by disciplines such as Philosophy, Psychology, and the training course "Team Management".

The teaching methods and assessment tools for the "Innovation Management" discipline are designed in accordance with the intended learning outcomes.

Learning outcome for the academic discipline

Teaching methods

Assessment tools

Learning Outcome




Knowledge of the fundamental concepts and areas of innovation management as a professional field.

lecture, seminar session, discussion

presentation, survey, test, case study, control (modular) work, final control work


Knowledge of methods and techniques for analytical processing of quantitative and qualitative data.

lecture, seminar session, discussion


Understanding approaches to organizing innovation management in an enterprise.

lecture, seminar session, discussion


Knowledge of the economic essence of evaluation and methods for assessing the effectiveness of innovation implementation.

lecture, seminar session, discussion


Familiarity with methods and techniques for comparing and ranking innovation implementation projects to identify the most effective ones.

lecture, seminar session, discussion




Ability to select information sources appropriate for the tasks of innovation management.

 seminar session, case study

presentation, survey, case study, test (module test), final test


Skills in using various methods and techniques for data processing to analyze economic situations and the potential of innovations.

 seminar session, case study


Ability to diagnose problems and substantiate well-reasoned managerial decisions.

 seminar session, case study


Capability to identify, forecast, and develop pathways for the development and implementation of innovations within an enterprise.




Development of practical teamwork skills in learners, specifically:

Seminar session, discussion, solving specific tasks and situations

presentation of calculation work, case study.


The ability to convey information, ideas, problems, solutions, personal experiences, and arguments.


The ability to work in a team — taking responsibility to achieve the set goal.


The ability to communicate on professional matters both orally and in writing with enterprise and project stakeholders.


The ability to present proposals for eliminating identified shortcomings or errors.


Responsibility and autonomy

The ability to demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the capacity to bear responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or providing recommendations that may impact the overall activities of the enterprise or its individual divisions, specifically when:

Discussion, solving specific tasks and situations, analytical report


 control (modular) work, final control work


The ability to form judgments that consider social, scientific, and ethical aspects.


The ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy.


Justification of operational, tactical, and strategic managerial decisions regarding various aspects of enterprise functioning.


The content of the academic discipline by topics.

Topic 1: The essence of innovations and their classification

Topic 2: Innovations in theories of economic and social development

Topic 3: The innovation process: components and provision

Topic 4: State regulation of innovation activities

Topic 5: Infrastructure of the innovation market and organizational forms of innovation activities

Topic 6: Innovation management in the business organization management system

Topic 7: Analysis of innovation activities in a business organization

Topic 8: Forecasting and planning of innovation activities

Topic 9: Organizing innovation activities in enterprises

Topic 10: Motivation system for innovation activities

Topic 11: Management of innovation projects

Topic 12: Evaluation of innovation activities and innovation management in a business organization

Teaching staff

Maksym Budiaiev, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, e-mail: maksym.budiaiev@kneu.edu.ua

Recommended readings:

1.                  Shevchenko L. S. Strategic innovation management: a textbook. Kharkiv: Yaroslav the Wise National Law University, 2019. 155 p.

2.                  A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Seventh Edition. Eng. Project Management Institute, 2021.

3.                  Creative Thinking: Textbook / M. V. Sytnytskyi, O. I. Zhilinska, S. V. Rudenko, I. M. Horbas, V. I. Vialkova; edited by M. V. Sytnytskyi. Kyiv: National Center for Creative Entrepreneurship Development at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Lira-K Publishing House, 2020. 100 pages.

4.                  Kornilova I., Olikh L. Strategic Management of Intellectual Property in Organization / Management Mechanisms and Development Strategies of Economic Entities in Conditions of Institutional Transformations of Global Environment: Collective Monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 2 volumes / ISMA University. Riga: “Landmark” SIA, 2019. Volume 1. 344 pages. Pages 105-113.

5.                  Tidd J., Bessant J. Managing Innovation Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. / Wiley. John Wiley & Sons, LTD, 2020, P.624

6.                  Blokdyk G. Innovation Management A Complete Guide / 5STARCooks, 2021, P.319

7.                  T. Loew, F. Werner, J.M. Lehuede, C. Izquierdo, E. Samayoa A Sustainability Management System that meets all Standards. Institute for Sustainability. Berlin and Munich, 2019. URL: https://www.wec.org/wp-content/uploads/A-EN-Sustainability-Management-System-that-meetsall-Standards_Study.pdf


Last redaction: 12.02.25