On 8th – 9th of April 2016 in Vadym Hetman “Kyiv National Economic University ” with a grant support of the Swedish Institute (SI), organized by the NGO “Poruch” and promoted by the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine was held an intellectual workshop “Social responsibility for sustainable development.” The partners of the event become the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Faculty of Economy and Managment Kyiv National Economic University, educational website “Educational trends” , education Portal “Educational Media” and company “Coca Cola”. Coffee-breaks for guests of the workshop were provided by the trademark «Askold».
Workshop gathered the Alumni of the Swedish Institute, entrepreneurs, teachers, students, civil society leaders and experts in the field of social responsibility. They have arrived from different regions of the country such as Kyiv, Zaporizhia, Zhytomyr, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Nikolaev, Kherson, Chernihiv, Ternopil, Severodonetsk, Ivano-Frankivsk.
The moderator of the first day of the workshop was Volodymyr Satsyk – expert of the NGO “Poruch”, founder of the popular – science website “Educational trends.”
A greeting word to the audience was held by the Dean of the Economics and Management Faculty -Alexandr Vostryakov. He suggested that the concept of sustainable development is important for the present and future of our country. Wishing the success and inspiration to participants, Alexandr gave the word to the first speaker – Henning Drager.
Henning is a partner of the BDO Ukraine in department of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. The topic of his report was «The story of stuff». In the beginning, Henninn considered the term “stuff”, he points that everything that person consumes is “stuff”, thoughts of the person is “stuff” and all the reports are “stuff” and the greater is the development of mankind the more people consume and produce “stuff”. And the key point of the speech were methods of reducing the number of “stuff”, because the more “stuff” people will do, the more resources will be wasted. Henning identified three methods: first one is recycling (“stuff” as consumer goods), the second is reducing the dependence on television ( “stuff” as thoughts), the third one is reduction the number of reporting. The third method was pushing point to main material. He presented innovative way to compose the report – integrated report, which is a combination of both financial (annual reporting) and non-financial (environmental reporting) statements.
The next speaker was Anastasiya Borenkova, head of the corporate social responsibility and sustainable development department, social auditor in BDO Ukraine. The topic of the speech was the social component of sustainable development. The main thesis of the speaker is that social security is the prerogative of the enterprise. As an example, she proposed for the auditorium the collapse of the building in 2013 in Bangladesh, after which people began to strike the production of their employer, which provided housing for its workers. If the company would have taken into account the results of social audit, social disaster could be prevented. Anastasia highlighted the importance of the implementation such practices in our country, in accordance with international standards. And completed her speech with a quote: “permanent monitoring is the key to prosperity.”
The third speaker was Yuri Wasaga, Director of the Legal Department of “SEB Corporate Bank.” His report “Taking into account the requirements of social responsibility in relations with clients of the SEB: practice of the international group.” Yuri began his speech with the words that Ukrainian business ignores corporate social responsibility and also identified the main directions of providing CSR: responsible trade, prevention of crime, financing and investing in CSR. Also, the speaker gave examples of CSR, which group SEB have implemented in the banking activities: for them it is purchasing and issuing the green bonds, investing in “clean” energy.
In the next report was presented platform “The Warm City” by the coordinator of energy direction Igor Susyak. The platform works in Ivano-Frankivsk and speaker have hold about the main activities of the platform and shared the experience about the implemented projects. In particular it is about the unification of signs that are authentic in the architecture of the city, Urban Space 100, Urban Space Radio and program “City grants”. Igor believes that one of the most important achievements is the creation of supervisory board, which is responsible for strategic development, identification of key areas of the organization and supervising the management.
The topic “The importance of implementing the principles of social responsibility in enterprises” presented Makogon Olga – Ph.D. in Law, lawyer, Head of the Labor Law Committee of the Bar Association of Ukraine. The main thesis of his speech was that employees should receive support from the employers according to UN standards. Olga also pointed that the new labor code should include the latest standards, such as ISO 26000. The speaker stressed the importance of protecting workers’ rights through the existing legal procedures.
The final presentation “The Role of CSR in academic science” was held via Skype by Fredrik Björk, lecturer of the discipline “Social Innovation and Environmental Science” of the department of urban studies at Malmo University in Sweden. In his report, he stressed that cooperation of civil society, government and business makes possible the implementation of social innovations, which are the driving force of the society. Fredrik also spoke about the projects, which are aimed to help immigrants to adapt in Sweden and find their place in society.
In the end of the first day, participants visited the company «Coca-Cola», which is actively implementing the principles of corporate social responsibility in their work. Manager of the company, Andriy Bublik, told the guests about the social projects that have implemented by “Coca – Cola” company in the recent years. It was also held useful and interesting tour to the production and the museum.
In the second day of the workshop, on the 9th of April Elena Shevchuk, executive director of the Association “Foam Manufacturers’ Ukraine and Anna Skytova, associated professor of business strategy at KNEU, expert of the NGO” Poruch” become speakers of the event. Helen and Anne covered both theoretical and practical aspects of corporate social responsibility on the example of plastic production. Elena Shevchuk familiarized the audience with the methods and principles of the NGO Association of “Foam Manufacturers” Ukraine.
Association “Foam Manufacturers” is a non-profit organization that integrates leading Ukrainian producers of polystyrene, expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) and products from it. It was established in 2002 and since then has brought together all major stakeholders in the industry, combined market share of which in Ukraine is over 80%. The mission of the Association is the consolidation of producers (members of Association) to develop market of the goods produced from polystyrene in Ukraine because it is the most rational and cost-effective insulation material and as a result – energy efficient, environmental friendly and efficient in the domestic households. The CSR objectives of the Association are to create cross-sector cooperation for mutual benefit in the long run. Association unites the efforts of business, government, the third sector and society in the production of polystyrene for environmental safety, economic development and community improvement.
One of the objectives of the Association is ongoing work on updating the legal framework in the areas of construction and energy efficiency. The Association is actively involved in the implementation of universally accepted European standards of quality foam products and monitors their compliance in Ukraine. Association cooperates with the state authorities. Members of the Association have initiated inclusion polystyrene to the thermo housing programs. Association “Foam Manufacturers” Ukraine invites participants to visit the 5Th International Conference “Polymers in insulation, energy and economically efficient, environmental friendly. “
The third stage of the workshop was a simulation game, moderated by an expert of the NGO “Poruch” – Arsen Kelichavyy. The main topic of the game become the transition from paternalistic thinking of business in relations with the state and taking the responsibility for the future of their community, region and state. Participants were representing businesses, community organizations and government (business, social sector, the government) and therefor had an opportunity to meet the challenges of the real life. Bright group work of the participants createf sharp and productive discussion.