Faculty of Economics and Management

Verba Denys Volodymyrovych

department:Department of Economic Theory
Position:Associated Professor
teacher degree:associate professor
Degree:Ph.D. in Economics
Verba Denys Education: In 1999 received a master's degree in staff management at the Kyiv National Economic University. In 2009 received Ph. D degree by specialty "Demography, labor economics, social economics and politics» in Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. Professional positions held: 2002 – 2010 – Assistant of professor, after 2010, till now - Associated Professor Department of Political Economy Kyiv National economic University named after Vadym Hetman. Courses taught and other services provided to students and the home institution For the bachelor level education taught discipline "Political Economy", "Transformation economy", "Social economy", "Socio-economic security", "Fundamentals of economic theory" At the Master's level training - "human capital management". In the Center for Business Education of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (second higher education) conducted author’s seminars on the organization and rationalizing of labor "Search, evaluation and implementation of reserve for personnel productivity growth”.