Research WorkThe scientific achievements of teachers of the Enterprise Economics Department have been broadly used for enhancing the efficiency of the production and business activities of industrial enterprises of equal sectors of the economy. Results of the theoretical and applied research of teachers of the department can be used as a scientific basis for the development of the national strategy of the development of the national economy of Ukraine in line with requirements and needs of the domestic and external global environment. The team of the Department carries out research within the scope of a five-year comprehensive state-budget-funded Economics, Organisation and Efficiency of Activities of Enterprises project aimed at deepening and developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of the economy, the organisation and the efficiency assessment of activities of business entities in a dynamic environment. Major scientific and practical results, finding and opinions obtained as a result of the study of theoretical and methodological foundations apply to both general theoretical and applied aspects of the efficiency and the specific areas of activities of enterprises that affect the efficiency (effectiveness). This research was conducted in the field of innovation activities of business entities. The projects of the department are broadly used for the improvement of the teaching process in Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University in the course of teaching of bachelors and masters, the re-training and qualification development of specialists with the higher education. For instance, the results of the research were introduced into the teaching of disciplines, such as the Enterprise Economics, Production Organisation, Diagnostics of the Financial and Economic Performance of an Enterprise, Enterprise Potential Management, Enterprise Potential and Development. 5 general scientific areas of research were identified for the research work at the Enterprise Economics Department: