"Creative Economy"
Compulsory for students of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education in the educational program
051 "Economics"
- Course Objectives
The objective of studying this course is to provide students with theoretical knowledge of the substantive characteristics and components of the creative economy, as well as to master the tools for personal and group creativity in the context of individual and team interactions.
The course program is based on generalizing theoretical developments on this subject, mastering statistical and experimental data regarding the state, trends, and importance of the development of the creative economy under modern conditions, and systematizing international and domestic scientific experience on creativity (innovation) using contemporary teaching technologies.
Interdisciplinary Connections
The discipline "Creative Economy" is determined by the peculiarities of the student training. Mastering the "Creative Economy" course requires prior study of the following disciplines: "Philosophy of Science", and "Methodology of Economic Research".
Table 1 – Learning Methods and Diagnostic Tools for the "Creative Economy" Course According to Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes | Teaching Methods | Diagnostic Tools |
1. Knowledge | | |
1.1The essential characteristics, indicators, drivers (prerequisites), and significance of creative economy; specific mechanisms for generating ideas; terminological apparatus used to describe cognitive processes related to idea generation. | Levels and models of consciousness, thinking, and personal characteristics across different historical periods; key educational technologies aimed at teaching creativity. | Discussion and supplementing of the instructor's presentation, participation in group discussions, completing exercises, testing, solving crosswords and quests. |
1.2The current state and prospects of the creative economy development. | | |
1.3Methodological foundations of creativity; structure of the creative process, sequence of its components, definitions, and methodological approaches for organizing individual and group creative activities. | | |
1.4Understanding creativity as an integral quality; unity of psycho-physiological, psychosomatic, ethical, cognitive, and motivational characteristics of an individual; the structure of creativity as competence and part of creativity; ways to develop creativity as a constant personal characteristic. | | |
1.5Content and basic rules of various methods (tools) for idea generation; preparing and conducting ideation sessions; key educational technologies aimed at teaching creativity. | | |
2. Skills | | |
2.1Develop a creative economy mind map, explain the logic of the development of scientific knowledge, and identify contradictions and issues that require further research. | Performing and presenting the defense of relevant individual mandatory tasks (No. 1-5). | Evaluation of individual mandatory assignments. |
2.2Analyze the state of the creative economy in the world and in specific countries; hypothesize and verify hypotheses, build econometric models; calculate multiplier effects, assess the creativity of a business organization, develop ranking systems for the creativity of socio-economic systems at different levels. | | |
2.3Develop methodological tools and conduct empirical research on the creative economy; process, analyze, and present research results. | | |
2.4Diagnose the creative qualities of individual managers and employees; conduct individual diagnostics, create a personal creativity development map. | | |
2.5Generate creative ideas using a variety of tools (technologies); prepare and moderate ideation sessions; evaluate the results of the selected technology and adjust its application depending on the problem and audience specifics. | | |
3. Communication | | |
3.1Ability to work in a team. | In-class work in mini-teams; extracurricular teamwork on tasks 1-5. | Evaluation of activity during contact classes, completion of in-class control exercises, and individual assignments. |
3.2Ability to justify the choice of methods for developing creativity based on self-diagnosis results. | The flipped classroom method, moderating ideation sessions; defense of individual assignments. | |
3.3Ability to explain and justify personal ideas, proposals, and conclusions. | Presentation and defense of prepared tasks, participation in discussions. | |
4. Responsibility and Autonomy | | |
4.1Balance of qualities that allow taking initiative and constructively discussing problematic and controversial issues, effectively managing the idea generation process while listening to the instructor's and colleagues' viewpoints; and taking on role responsibilities. | The flipped classroom method, distribution, and coordination of team tasks; moderating ideation sessions. | Evaluation of participation in group discussions and completion of group tasks. |
4.2Ability to meet deadlines for individual and group tasks and coordinate prepared parts of group tasks. | Consideration of timing and team interaction during the evaluation of different tasks. | Evaluation of individual and group tasks. |
3. Course Content by Topics
Content Module 1. Creative Economy and Its Component Elements
- Topic 1: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Creative Economy, Its Conceptual and Epistemological Basis
- Topic 2: Creative Industries: Current State, Problems, and Development Prospects
- Topic 3: Creative Class. The Ecosystem of the Life Cycle and Development of Creative Workers
Content Module 2. Methodology of Creativity Formation and Development
- Topic 4: Structuring and Substantive Interpretation of the Creative Process. Neurophysiological, Psychological, and Kinesthetic Foundations of Creativity
- Topic 5: Creativity Management. Methods, Ways, and Techniques for Generating Creative Ideas
4. Instructors and Their Contact Details
- Ligonenko Larisa - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Professor
5. Recommended Information Sources:
1. Creative Economy: A New Economic Era of the 21st Century.Concept of Creative Economy, Global Trends, Potential, and Prospects for the Development of the Creative Economy in Ukraine. (2020). GO "GOULOC", "Center for Creative Economy Development", "Center for Market Economy Development" (CMD-Ukraine). 68 pages.
2. Florida, R. (2018). Homo Creativus: How the New Class Is Conquering the World. Kyiv: Noviy Forma. 432 pages.
3. Davymuka, S. A., & Fedulova, L. I. (2017). Creative Sector of the Economy: Experience and Development Directions. Monograph. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Regional Studies named after M. I. Dolishny. Lviv. 528 pages.
4. UNCTAD. (2019). Creative Economy Outlook: Trends in International Trade in Creative Industries.
5. Nikolaieva, O., Onopriienko, A., Taran, S., Sholomytskyi, Y., & Yavorskyi, P. (2021). Creative Industries: Impact on the Development of the Ukrainian Economy. Consolidated Report.
6. Nazarova, H. V., & Sotnikova, Y. V. (2018). Creative Economy and Management: A Textbook [Electronic Resource]. Kharkiv: Kharkiv National Economic University. 160 pages.
7. Svintsitska, O. M., & Tkachuk, V. O. (2020). Creative Economy and Creative Industries: A Textbook [Electronic Edition]. Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr State University of Technology. 218 pages.
Last redaction: 18.03.25