Faculty of Economics and Management

Methodology of Economic Research (Module 2)

Methodology of Economic Research (Module 2)

The purpose of the courseis to study the methods of conducting economic research.

The objectives (learning goals) of the courseare to rethink existing knowledge and create new comprehensive knowledge and professional practices by developing students' program competencies necessary for solving complex problems in research, innovation, and professional activities; mastering the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct original scientific research in the field of economics and entrepreneurship, the results of which have scientific novelty, as well as theoretical and practical significance.

The subject of the courseis the theory, methods, and applied tools for conducting economic research in the field of economics and entrepreneurship.

Learning Outcomes:

As a result of studying the course, the student should:

Know / Knowledge:

  • The main provisions of modern theories and the latest achievements in the field of economics and entrepreneurship;
  • The basic principles and methodological tools for conducting systematic economic research;
  • Principles of forming a research culture and academic integrity;
  • Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of scientific research results;
  • Approaches to the training of scientific and academic personnel.

Be able to / Skills:

  • Develop plans for research activities and generate original scientific ideas;
  • Apply modern methods of conducting economic research while adhering to the principles of academic integrity;
  • Present scientific results in Ukrainian and English to the scientific community, expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge;
  • Interpret the results of scientific research within selected areas of economic activity.


  • Communicate with various target audiences regarding the conduct of scientific research in Ukrainian and English;
  • Conduct information searches and transfer scientific information using modern information and innovative technologies.

Autonomy and Responsibility:

  • Effectively organize research activities;
  • Demonstrate authority, creativity, a high degree of self-learning and self-realization, academic integrity, and consistent commitment to developing new ideas in advanced contexts of economic activity;
  • Demonstrate the ability for independent and critical thinking, formulating ideas, and generating hypotheses.


Last redaction: 12.03.25