Faculty of Economics and Management

TRAINING COURSE_Company Business Models_051



Recommended for students pursuing a Master's degree

Objective of the Course

The purpose of the “Company Business Models” training course is to develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills in applying modern diagnostic technologies and evaluation tools to assess the effectiveness of business models. The course equips students with contemporary methodological tools and practical competencies for efficiently managing business models in today’s economic environment.

Interdisciplinary Connections

The interdisciplinary nature of the“Company Business Models” course aligns with the preparation of Master's students specializing in “051Economics”. The course builds upon the theoretical and methodological foundations of business organization and incorporates principles from related economic disciplines, such as enterprise business modelling, corporate strategy, corporate finance, enterprise economics, and management.





Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, and Assessment Tools

Table1–Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools for the“Company Business Models” Training Course

Learning Outcome

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools




1.1 Understanding the concepts of "business model,""resources,"and"priorities";approachesto business model formation and classification (undifferentiated, differentiated, segmented, externally oriented, integrated, innovative, adaptive, etc.).


Lectures, seminars, discussions


Presentations,quizzes, tests, case studies, exercises, modular tests, final exams

1.2Understandingtheinterrelationanddifferences between development, growth, and growth potential; economic performance growth and enterprise expansion.

Lectures, seminars, discussions,case analysis, group work




1.3 Knowledge of key concepts such as fast- growingcompanies,growthaccelerators,growth

Lectures, seminars,case



Teaching Methods


strategies; methods of strategic analysis for corporategrowth;strategicmodellingpractices.

analysis,group work


1.4 Understandingbusinessmodellingprinciples, business scale, growth potential, evaluation methodologies, and business modelling tools.

Lectures, discussionswith case analysis, problem-solving



Skills and Abilities



2.1 Identifying factors and prerequisites for effective business model development and management.

Lectures, seminars, discussions,group work

Presentations, tests, casestudies,exercises, exams

2.2 Evaluating the impact of managerial decisions on innovative companies and explaining different growth strategies.

Lectures, seminars, discussions



2.3 Performing quantitative analys is off actors influencing business models and economic outcomes.

Lectures,problem- solving



2.4 Applying various methods to analyse business model effectiveness.

Lectures,practical exercises


2.5 Assessing the econom icimpact of business modeldevelopmentbased onmultiple criteria.

Lectures,case studies


2.6 Conducting strategic and financial modelling for corporate growth.

Lectures, discussions, problem-solving






Developing teamwork skills, including responsibility-sharing for achieving business goals.

Seminars, discussions, problem-solving

Presentations, case studies,performance evaluations, exams

3.1 Communicating business-related in formation, ideas, problems, and solutions.



3.2 Working effectively in teams and assuming responsibility.



3.3 Engaging in professional discussionson business development.



3.4 Proposing solutions to dentified business issues.



Responsibility and Autonomy



Demonstrating an understanding of personal responsibility in making professional and managerial decisions that affect business models.

Seminars, discussions, analyticalreports

Presentations, case studies,modularand final exams

4.1 Developing judgment that considerssocial, scientific, and ethical aspects.



4.2 Organizing and leading professional development within a team.




Learning Outcome

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools

4.3 Justifying operational,tactical,andstrategic decisions regarding business modelling.



4.4 Generating innovative business ideas while maintaining academic integrity.



4.5 Demonstrating autonomous learning capabilities.



4.6 Engagingin independent critical thinking.




Course Contentby Topics

1.      The essence and significance of business model management

2.      Business model canvas as a tool for strategic enterprise management

3.      Benchmarking analys is of existing business models and competitors

4.      Business portfolio analys is and its application in business modelling

5.      Knowledge management in the search for new business models

6.      Reengineering and designing new business models

7.      Justification of resource provision for business models

8.      Managerial aspects of implementing new business models and risk management

9.      Evaluating the effectiveness of business models using strategic mapping

Instructors and Contact Information

Shvydka Oksana Polikarpivna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship.


Recommended Literature and Resources

1.      Alan Smith, Alexander Osterwalder,Gregory Bernarda,Trish Papadakos. Designing Value Propositions. Kyiv: Nash Format, 2018.

2.      Moskalenko V. V., Godlevskyi M. D. Models and Methods of Strategic Enterprise Development Management: Monograph. Kharkiv: Tochka Publishing, 2018.

3.      Tokmakova I. V., Panchenko N. G., Kurguzova M. Yu. Developing an Anti-Crisis Strategy in Digital Transformation Conditions. Bulletin of Transport and Industry Economics, 2021/2022. 

4.      Rusan N., Voytenko O. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in Project Management Teams. Complex Systems Development Management, 2021 (45). ]

5.      Gennaro Cuofano. 70 BusinessModel Patternsin 2022. FourWeekMBA.]

Last redaction: 05.03.25