Faculty of Economics and Management




Recommended for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education

The purpose of the academic discipline is to form in students who are obtaining a master's degree a complex of knowledge, skills, and abilities in deepening professional competencies in ensuring the innovative development of economic systems, assessing their innovative potential, substantiating and implementing effective management decisions for the development of the economy on an innovative basis, which is due to the objective need to change the management tools in accordance with modern requirements, capable of ensuring effective management of innovative development and its changes, overcoming resistance to innovations, adapting managers to them, using and spreading innovation flows, their impact on the sphere of competition and the development of society as a whole.

Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline "Innovative Development of Enterprise" are determined by the peculiarities of training applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education in the programme subject area 051 "Economics" of the OPP "Economics of Enterprise". Teaching the course "Innovative Development of Enterprise" is based on the logic of the theoretical and methodological foundation of business organization. In accordance with the structure of the curriculum, the study of the discipline "Innovative Development of Enterprise" is based on the methodological provisions of related economic disciplines of the "bachelor's" level of higher education, in particular "Economics of Innovation", "Innovation", "Analysis of Innovation", "Potential and Development of Enterprise", "Innovation Market Infrastructure"; master's level - "Strategic Management".

Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the academic discipline "Innovative Development of Enterprise" in accordance with the learning outcomes

Learning outcome by academic discipline

Learning methods

Diagnostic tools


Learning outcome




characteristics and typologies of innovations, principles of implementation, forms and models of innovative development, legal bases and organizational forms of innovative activity, trends, features and problems of innovative development of economic systems in Ukraine

lecture, seminar, discussion

lecture, seminar, discussion

presentation, survey, test, case study, modular work, exam


the essence of an innovative idea, its sources and methods of search, choice of the type of innovative enterprise and justification of the goals of innovative activity, organization of the process of creation and registration of an innovative enterprise.


the essence, forms and structure of start-up capital, the procedure for forming start-up capital and its sources, features of formation and efficiency of use of the company's personnel, the essence, functions, forms and systems, state policy and foundations of organization of innovative activity.

lecture, seminar, solving specific problems and situations




lecture, seminar, discussion


the essence and characteristics of innovation processes and assessment of the effectiveness of technical and organizational innovations, characteristics of the company's investment activity, methods of financing individual investment programs and projects, the concept, substantive essence, features of identification of Start-up as an organizational form of implementation of a business idea, areas of activity and assessment of the level of attractiveness of the type of activity in the specialization of start-up


formation of a strategy for implementing innovative activities, methodology and stages of developing a business plan, structure and logic of developing a business plan; conceptual foundations of innovative activity administration

lecture, seminar, solving specific problems and situations


features of organizing budgeting for innovative activities, general characteristics of costs, cost of individual products, formation of costs of responsibility centres and the enterprise as a whole

lecture, seminar, solving specific problems and situations


financial and economic principles of innovative activities and analytical assessment of the effectiveness of innovative activities, content and classification of financial results, formation and distribution of profits, essence and features of taxation of innovative activities, procedure for forming and calculating indicators of the effectiveness of innovative activities; essence and assessment of risks, ways and methods of reducing risk in innovative activities

lecture, seminar, solving specific problems and situations


the essence and components of the success of innovative activity, the role of the innovator as the main subject of market relations, the conceptual provisions of ethical norms in innovative activity, the legal foundation for the recognition of the social responsibility of business, the importance of business culture for the development of the enterprise, the formation and support of business culture

lecture, seminar, discussion


the essence and functions of business communication in innovative activity, forms and principles of business communication, models of cross-cultural behaviour in business, business etiquette and business protocol; technologies for preventing and eliminating business conflicts






use analytical and methodological tools to understand the logic of making informed decisions regarding the method of creating a Start-up and its organizational and legal form; determine the advantages and disadvantages of organizational and legal forms of innovative activity; analyze and evaluate the state and trends of innovative development of economic systems

seminar, discussion, case-study


seminar, discussion, work in small creative groups

presentation, survey, test, case-study, modular work, exam

survey, test, case-study

presentation, survey, test, case-study

survey, test, case-study


search for an innovative idea; substantiate the economic feasibility and efficiency of a certain form of business organization; develop constituent documents; calculate the price of entering the business; choose trading enterprises based on the cost of the premises


calculate the required amount of start-up capital; use possible options for forming start-up capital; be able to analyze the economic advantages and disadvantages of organizational options for replenishing production resources; determine the production need for updating fixed assets; develop, evaluate alternative options and choose the optimal way to update fixed assets

verification of the execution of calculation work, case study


assess the investment attractiveness and business reputation of an innovative enterprise; formulate analytical conclusions; develop investment projects and justify their economic feasibility and efficiency; assess the effectiveness of innovative activities

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations


form an information base for developing a business plan; assess favourable external opportunities and threats to the implementation of a business project; identify the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, determine the mission of the enterprise; analyze strategic alternatives and choose a strategy; develop sections of the business plan; conduct an examination and presentation of the business plan

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations


build the dependence of changes in costs on changes in production volume, depict the relationship between indicators of production volume, costs and profit; determine the break-even point graphically and analytically; calculate marginal revenue and marginal revenue coefficient

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations


evaluate the profitability indicators of the enterprise; calculate the profit from the sale of commercial products; evaluate the indicators of financial activity; analyze profitability, profit; calculate the income tax, personal income tax; calculate the single tax

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations

presentation, survey, test


form and calculate indicators for assessing the effectiveness of innovative activity; carry out analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of innovative activity; formulate analytical conclusions; develop, formulate and economically justify measures for the economic feasibility and effectiveness of project implementation

seminar, discussion, case study

 survey, test, case study


use the methodology for assessing the impact of risks and directions for their minimization; the impact of various types of risks on making business decisions; evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of innovative activity;

seminar, discussion, case study

presentation, survey, test, case study



Developing practical teamwork skills in applicants, namely:

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations

verification of the implementation of calculation work, case study, verification of the implementation of solved specific tasks and situations, presentation, exam


Developing practical teamwork skills in applicants, namely:


communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and arguments


the ability to work in a team - to take responsibility for achieving the set goal


communication on professional issues orally and in writing with participants in economic relations to ensure the functioning and development of the enterprise


Responsibility and autonomy

demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to be responsible for making professional or managerial decisions or making recommendations that may affect the development of the company

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations, analytical report

verification of calculation work, case study, modular work, exam


managing complex technical or professional activities or projects


forming judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects


organizing and leading the professional development of individuals and groups


in substantiating operational, tactical and strategic management decisions regarding various aspects of the enterprise's functioning.


in producing one's own practical ideas based on the principles of academic culture and integrity


in the ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy


in the ability to think independently and independently


The content of the discipline offered for study by students by modules and topics.

1. Innovation as the basis of economic development

2. Modern organizational forms of innovative activity

3. National ecosystems of innovation

4. Technology transfer

5. Innovative potential of the enterprise

6. Intellectual property, its types and protection

7. Evaluation and commercialization of intellectual property rights

8. Marketing of innovations

9. Strategies of innovative development of the enterprise

10. Business models of innovative entrepreneurship

11. Investment support for innovative development

12. Controlling and risk management of innovations

Teaching staff:

             1.  Petrenko Lyudmila Anatoliivna, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, е-mail: liudmyla.petrenko.3@kneu.edu.ua

             2.  Chukhrayeva Natalia Mykolaivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, е-mail: chukhrayeva.nataliya@kneu.edu.ua

             3.  Kuziomko Volodymyr Mykolayovych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship,е-mail: kuzomko.volodymyr@kneu.edu.ua

Recommended information sources:

             1.  Antonyuk L.L. Innovations: theory, development and commercialization mechanism. / L.L. Antonyuk, A.M. Poruchnik, V.S. Savchuk - Kyiv: KNEU, 2003

             2.  Economics and organization of innovative activity: workshop / I. A. Pavlenko, G.O. Shvydanenko, N.I. Noritsyna. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2012. - 347 p.

             3.  Pavlenko I. A. Economics and organization of innovative activity: textbook / I. A. Pavlenko. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2004. - 204 p.

             4.  Pavlenko I. A. Innovative entrepreneurship in the transformational economy of Ukraine: monograph / I. A. Pavlenko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman". - Kyiv: KNEU, 2007. - 243 p.

             5.  Technologies of innovative development of enterprises in the context of institutionalism: monograph / N.P. Goncharova, G.O. Shvydanenko, I.S. Kaparulin and others. ; under the general editorship of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Prof. G.O. Shvydanenko. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2012. - 225 p.


Last redaction: 12.02.25