Faculty of Economics and Management

Economic Recovery of Business



Recommended for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education

The purpose of the discipline:

The purpose of the discipline ‘Economic Recovery of Business’ is to form students' thinking of a modern businessman and to acquire a systematic set of special economic knowledge and practical skills in managing economic recovery, restructuring and liquidation of enterprises.

Interdisciplinary links:

To master this science (discipline), knowledge of such disciplines as ‘Business Economics’, ‘Enterprise Finance’, ‘Managerial Economics’, ‘Business Diagnostics’, ‘Economic Management of an Enterprise’, etc. is required.

Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools:

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the discipline «Economic recovery of business»

Learning outcomes of the discipline

Teaching methods

Diagnostic tools/assessmentforms

1. Knowledge of:


essence, importance, guidelines and forms of economic rehabilitation of an enterprise

technology for assessing the rehabilitation capability of a troubled enterprise;

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse

Testing, blitz surveys, problem solving, individual tasks, control (module) work, final assessment


technology of bankruptcy and rehabilitation of an enterprise under domestic law;

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse


technology for assessing the rehabilitation capability of a troubled enterprise;

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse, training


processes of planning, implementing, adjusting and evaluating the effectiveness of economic recovery projects.

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse, presentation

2. Skills and abilities:


develop, substantiate and implement effective decisions on the development of socio-economic systems and management of economic entities;

Seminar, discussion, discourse

Problem solving, individual tasks, control (module) work, final assessment


determine the need and organize the management of economic recovery of an enterprise;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


determine the parameters of insolvency of an enterprise;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


apply bankruptcy mechanisms for economic recovery of the enterprise;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


identify the rehabilitation capability and identify problematic aspects of the company's activities;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


determine the amount of financial resources required for the implementation of rehabilitation measures, as well as justify the optimal choice of their sources;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


to develop and substantiate the feasibility of a wide range of strategic, tactical and operational rehabilitation measures;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


formulate, approve, implement and adjust the company's rehabilitation plan;

Seminar, discussion, discourse


to terminate the company, its subsidiaries, associates and structural units in order to rehabilitate the target company;

Seminar, discussion, discourse.


assess the effectiveness of economic recovery of an enterprise

Seminar, discussion, discourse.

3. Communication


the ability to independently and collectively carry out analytical procedures with interaction with information providers and recipients of analytical conclusions, development of skills aimed at:

3.1) formulating a problem of complex business research, distributing and consolidating its components for solution among team members;

3.2) conducting a debate when solving problem situations, presenting the results of a critical review of literature sources

Seminar, discussion, discourse, presentation

Individual tasks, presentation, final assessment

4. Responsibility and autonomy


4.1) ability to undertake personal responsibility in the performance of individual tasks

4.2) demonstrate effective autonomy in performing tasks arising from the development of collective measures aimed at improving the efficiency of analytical activities at the enterprise

Seminar, discussion, discourse, presentation

Individual tasks, presentation, final assessment

The content of the discipline by topic:

Topic 1. Economic recovery of business: essence, background and technology of implementation.

Topic 2. Insolvency and bankruptcy as consequences of enterprise crisis.

Topic 3: Bankruptcy process under domestic law.

Topic 4. Sanitation diagnostics of an enterprise.

Topic 5. Financing of enterprise recovery.

Topic 6. Planning of economic recovery of business.

Topic 7. Restructuring of enterprise.

Topic 8: Peculiarities of rehabilitation of certain categories of enterprises.

Topic 9: Liquidation as a way to recover a business for its owner.

Topic 10. Evaluation of the effectiveness of economic recovery of business.

Academic staff:

·         Dmytrenko A.I., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, dmytrenko.artem@kneu.edu.ua

Basic sources:

1.      Dmytrenko A.I. Distance course ‘Economic recovery of business- Dmytrenko - EMBE66070U’ / A.I.Dmytrenko - Electronic data - Kyiv : KNEU - Access mode:  https://ido-m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=3557Title from the screen. - Date of publication: 04.02.2019. - Date of update: 10.02.2025.- in Ukrainian.

2.      Bondarchuk M.K., Alekseev I.V. Financial rehabilitation and crisis management of an enterprise (with translation of topics into English): a textbook. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. 268 с. - in Ukrainian.

3.      Boronos V.G. Management of financial rehabilitation of enterprises: a textbook. Boronos V.G., Plikus I.Y. - Sumy: Sumy State University, 2022. 459 p. - in Ukrainian.

4.      Krutova A.S. Management of financial rehabilitation of an enterprise: a textbook / A.S. Krutova, L.I. Lachkova, V.M. Lachkova. - Kharkiv: Publisher Ivanchenko I.S., 2017. -186 c.- in Ukrainian.

5.      Management of financial rehabilitation of enterprises: Lecture notes - Kharkiv: UkrDUZT, 2023 - 114 p.- in Ukrainian.

6.      Zelisko I.M. Management of financial rehabilitation of an enterprise: a textbook. Zelisko I.M., 2016. 355 p. - in Ukrainian.

Last redaction: 05.03.25