Faculty of Economics and Management

Business Economic Security_051


 «Business Economic Security»

Recommended for students of the second (master's) level of higher education

1. The Objective of Studying the Discipline.

The objective of studying this discipline is to develop a set of knowledge and skills in learners in the field of business economic security formation and assurance.

Interdisciplinary connectionsof the discipline "Business Economic Security" are determined by the specifics of training master's students in the specialty "051 Economics" and are based on the theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations of general business logic, as well as the methodological principles of related economic disciplines, including macroeconomics, microeconomics, enterprise economics, management, marketing, and business diagnostics, among others.

2. Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools:

Table 1 – Teaching methods and assessment tools for learning outcomes in the educational discipline “Business Economic Security” in accordance with learning outcomes

Learning outcome by academic discipline

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools


Learning Outcomes




the essence of economic security and its role in ensuring the effective functioning and development of economic systems, the concept of business economic security and its main functional components, as well as the prerequisites and factors for forming the economic security of modern enterprises

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse











Test, survey blitz, presentation, performance of individual tasks, performance of group training tasks, case-study, control (module) work, assessment


the concept of organizational models of enterprises and their security levels, the essence and content of business processes as the foundation for economic security formation, as well as the content and methods for assessing and ensuring the technical and technological component of a company's economic security

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse


the essence and key methods for assessing business market security, directions and ways of protecting the market position of a business entity, the concept of shadow business and unfair competition in the context of business economic security, the essence and types of mergers and acquisitions as factors of development and threats to a company’s economic security, as well as methods for protecting enterprises from corporate raiding and ensuring the security of their foreign economic activities

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


the concept, structure, and characteristics of a company's intellectual security, directions and methods for protecting intellectual property, the essence of trade secrets and their protection, as well as the methods for assessing and ensuring personnel security within an enterprise

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse, presentation


the essence and role of financial security in business operations, directions and methods for its assessment and assurance, the concept and methods for diagnosing the probability of business bankruptcy

Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse


the concept and role of information security in business, methods and tools for protecting information within a company, as well as the essence, objectives, and technologies of business intelligence

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


the essence and role of political and legal security in business, methods for assessing the level of the political and legal component of economic security, the essence, objectives, and subjects of physical security, as well as the concept, methods for assessment, and assurance of environmental security for enterprises

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


the criteria and indicators for diagnosing the economic security of business entities, the content of information support for economic security diagnostics, and methodological approaches to assessing the level of a company's economic security

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


the content and objectives of the economic security management system in business, the essence, structure, and objectives of a company's security service, the organization of security service operations within an enterprise, and methods for assessing its efficiency

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


the basics of legal regulation for trade secret protection in different countries, international experience in ensuring personnel economic security, the role of economic intelligence in foreign companies, and the specifics of business protection organization in foreign countries

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training




Apply modern methods for diagnosing the level of Business Economic Securityacross its functional components

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training





Performance of individual tasks, performance of group training tasks, test

presentation, case-study, control (modular) work, assessment


Justify directions and methods for protecting a company's market position and trade secrets

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


Diagnose the financial and economic condition of an enterprise in the context of its economic security

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


Apply methodological tools for assessing the probability of enterprise bankruptcy

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


Develop information support for a comprehensive diagnosis of business economic security

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


Collect, process, and analyse statistical data and scientific-analytical materials necessary for solving complex economic tasks in business economic security management

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation


Organize the work of an enterprise security service and assess its operational effectiveness

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training


Critically evaluate and apply foreign experience in ensuring business economic security

Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation




the ability to work in a team, developing skills aimed at:





Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation



Verification of performance of training tasks, presentation, discourse, case-study, assessment


conveying information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and argumentation


communication on professional issues orally and in writing with participants of economic relations regarding ensuring the functioning and development of the enterprise;


formulation of the problem of comprehensive economic security of business, distribution and consolidation of its components for solution among team members



preparation, publication, and collective defence of presentations by members of the mini-group on key aspects of enterprise economic security management


conducting a discussion during the solution of training tasks


Responsibility and autonomy


demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to take responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or recommendations that may affect the activities of the enterprise as a whole or its individual units, in particular when:

Seminar, discussion, solution of specific problems and situations, analytical report

Verification of performance of training tasks, presentation, control (modular) work, assessment


performing individual and group tasks


diagnosing problems in the field of business economic security


substantiation of decisions aimed at ensuring business economic security

3. Content of the academic discipline by topic

Topic 1. Business economic security: essence and prerequisites of formation

Topic 2. Organizational and technical and technological foundations of business economic security

Topic 3. Market and foreign economic business security

Topic 4. Intellectual and personnel components of economic security of the enterprise

Topic 5. Financial security of business

Topic 6. Business information security

Topic 7. Political-legal, force and ecological components of economic security

Topic 8. Diagnostics of economic security

Topic9. Business economic security management system

Topic10. Foreign experience of ensuring business economic security

4. Academic staff responsible for teaching the discipline and their email addresses:

Volodymyr Kuzomko, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, email: kuzomko.volodymyr@kneu.edu.ua

5. Recommended information sources:

1.   Business Economic Security: education. manual / [H.O. Shvydanenko, V. M. Kuzomko, N. I. Noritsina and others]; in general and science ed. H. O. Shvydanenko. K. : KNEU, 2011. 511, [1] p.

2.   Economic Security of an Enterprise[Text]: Study Guide / [G. V. Blakyta et al.]; Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Department of Economics and Finance of Enterprises. – Kyiv: Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2021. - 303 p.

3.   Economic Security of an Enterprise[Text]: Study Guide / [M. M. Karaim et al.]; edited by A. M. Shtangret; [Ukrainian Academy of Printing]. - Lviv: Ukrainian Academy of Printing, 2021. - 476 p.

4.   Economic Security of an Enterprise[Text]: Study Guide / [Shkarlet S. M. et al.]; under the general scientific supervision of Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Prof. Shkarlet S. M.; Chernihiv National Technological University. - Chernihiv: ChNTU, 2017. - 205 p.

5.   Economic Security of Business Entities[Text]: Textbook / [Z. S. Varnaliy et al.]; edited by Z. S. Varnaliy; Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. - Chernivtsi: Tekhnodruk, 2020. - 457 p.

Last redaction: 05.03.25