Faculty of Economics and Management

Corporate business growth



«Corporate business growth»

Recommended for applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education.

The purpose of the discipline is to develop knowledge and practical skills in: determining the factors, prerequisites and consequences of corporate growth; strategic modelling of corporate business growth in the context of VUCA; identification and analysis of the type and quality of corporate business growth; assessment of corporate business growth based on modern analytical models; financial modelling of corporate business growth, taking into account the needs of business practice.

Interdisciplinary linksare determined by the peculiarities of training applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education.  The discipline integrates a large number of basic concepts and techniques of general theoretical disciplines, is based on the theoretical foundation of business economics and methodological provisions of related economic disciplines such as: ‘Enterprise Strategy’, “Economics of Innovations”, “Enterprise Capital: Formation and Use”, “Business Modelling”, “Business Diagnostics”, “Innovative Development”. As a result of studying the discipline, the necessary competence base will be formed for mastering the disciplines of management direction, which are related to the specifics of making and implementing management decisions in the field of finance and strategy.

Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the discipline ‘Corporate Business Growth’ in accordance with the learning outcomes

The result of training according to the academic discipline

Teaching methods

Diagnostic tools 



Learning outcome




the essence of the concepts of ‘corporate growth’, ‘economic growth’, ‘quality of growth’; growth paradigms (causal, process, integration, growth results); types of growth (organic, inorganic, intensive, extensive, sustainable, smart, etc.)

lecture, seminar, discussion


Presentation of results, survey, test, case study, control exercises, module work, final assessment.



on the interrelation and differences between the categories: development, growth, development and growth potential; growth of economic results of the enterprise and economic growth of the enterprise


key concepts: fast-growing company, growth accelerator, growth strategy; methods and techniques of strategic analysis of corporate growth; practices and procedures of strategic modelling of corporate business growth

lecture, seminar, discussion, case analysis, work in small groups


the essential and substantive characteristics of economic growth, business scale, and business development potential; methodological approaches to assessing corporate business growth; financial models for analyzing value growth in business; methods and tools of mathematical modelling for business value growth


lecture, seminar-discussion with elements of analysis, solving specific tasks and situations, case analysis





To explain the reasons and identify the prerequisites for a company's economic growth; to analyze the quality of changes accompanying growth processes.


lecture, seminar, discussion, small group work

Presentation of results, survey, test, case study, control exercises, modular work, test


identify factors and consequences of the growth of innovative companies; explain the reasons for the different ways and results of growth of fast-growing and mature companies

lecture, seminar, discussion,


to carry out a quantitative assessment of the factors influencing the growth of the company's economic development results

lecture, solving specific problems and situations


apply factor financial models to analyze the value growth of a company

lecture, seminar, solving situational exercises


evaluate the economic consequences of a company's development using various criteria and their combined use

lecture, seminar-solving situational exercises


carry out strategic and financial modelling of corporate business growth

lecture, seminar-extended conversation, seminar-discussion, solving situational exercises



Developing practical teamwork skills in students, namely:

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations

Verification of the implementation of calculation work, case study, verification of the implementation of solved specific tasks and situations, presentation, assessment


communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experiences and arguments


ability to work in a team - take responsibility to achieve the set goal


communication on professional issues orally and in writing with participants in economic relations to ensure business growth and development


ability to develop proposals for eliminating identified shortcomings, errors, deviations


Responsibility and autonomy

demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to take responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or providing recommendations that may affect the development of the company

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations, analytical report

Verification of calculation work, case study, modular work,



forming judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects


organizing and leading the professional development of individuals and groups


when justifying operational, tactical and strategic management decisions regarding various aspects of the development and growth of the enterprise.


in producing their own practical ideas based on the principles of academic culture and integrity


with the ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy


with the ability to think independently and independently


Course content by topic

Content module 1. Conceptual principles of corporate business growth

1. Theories of company growth

2. Categorical basis of the theory of corporate growth

3. Paradigms of corporate business growth

4. Quality of corporate business growth

Content module 2. Strategic aspects of corporate business growth

Topic 5. The concept of a growing company. Theory of increasing returns and accelerators of business growth

Topic 6. Value principles of corporate business growth

Topic 7. Strategies and mechanisms for ensuring corporate business growth

Content module 3. Assessment and modelling of corporate business growth

Topic 8. Models for assessing corporate growth

Topic 9. Value-oriented modelling of corporate business growth

Topic 10. Practical results of empirical testing of corporate business growth models

Academic staff and their email addresses

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Nataliia Shevchuk, shevchuk@kneu.edu.ua

Recommended information sources

1. Verba V.A., Grebeshkova O.M. Company development management: Textbook. Kyiv: KNEU, 2011. 482 p.

2. Grebeshkova O.M., Makhova G.V. Strategic partnerships of enterprises: textbook. Kyiv: KNEU, 2012. 405 p.

3. Mendrul O.G. Enterprise value management: [textbook] Kyiv: KNEU, 2011. 538 p.

4. Repina I.M. Enterprise assets: taxonomy, diagnostics and management: monograph. Kyiv: KNEU, 2012. 274 p.

5. Shvydanenko G.O., Shevchuk N.V. Enterprise capital management: Kyiv: KNEU, 2007. 470 p.

Last redaction: 12.02.25