Faculty of Economics and Management

Enterprise Economic Management


Enterprise Economic Management

Recommended for students of the second (master's) level of higher education

Course Objective: The course aims to develop a systematic understanding of an enterprise's economic management and acquire practical skills in using budgeting and financial management tools and technologies.

Interdisciplinary Connections: The course integrates various fundamental concepts from general theoretical disciplines and specialized tools from subjects such as Innovation Development of an Enterprise, Project Management, Strategic Management, Managerial Economics, and Business Diagnostics.

Learning Outcomes and Methods:

Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, and Assessment Tools

Learning Outcomes

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools

Understanding systemic parameters of enterprise economics and key analytical technologies for achieving strategic and operational goals through managerial influence

Lectures, discussions

Quizzes, tests, independent assignments

Knowledge of key budgeting theories, budget system interdependencies, and business characteristics

Lectures, discussions

Testing, case studies

Approaches to building a budgeting system through linking objectives, functions, methods, and tools

Discussions, case studies

Project analysis

Methods of cost calculation and project budget estimation for planning and resource control in entrepreneurship

Case studies, training

Reports, assignments

Factors determining the effectiveness of economic management systems

Lectures, discussions

Practical analysis

  Course Content:

1.     Introduction to Economic Management on the Enterprise. Technologies for solving economic management problems.

2.     Enterprise Economic Management Systems.

3.     Enterprise Budget Management System.

4.     Organization of Budget Management in Companies.

5.     Technology for Developing Operational Budgets and the Profit and Loss Budget.

6.     Cash Flow Management Based on the Cash Flow Budget.

7.     Information and Analytical Support for Financial and Budget Management.

8.     Working Capital Management.

9. Enterprise Investment Portfolio Management. Strategic and Operational Enterprise Financing.

Course Instructor:

Olena O. Kyzenko, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship. Email: e.kyzenko@kneu.edu.ua

Recommended Resources:

1.     Holov S.F. Management Accounting: Textbook. 3rd Edition. Kyiv: Libra, 2006. – 710 p.

2.     Economic Management on the Enterprise: Textbook. Edited by N.M. Yevdokymova. Kyiv: KNEU, 2011. – 327 p.

3.     Fundamentals of Budgeting: Educational Guide for Independent Study of the Discipline. Edited by L.P. Batenko. Kyiv: KNEU, 2010.

Last redaction: 18.03.25