Faculty of Economics and Management




      Recommended for applicants to the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.

The purpose of the academic discipline is to form complex economic thinking and master the categorical apparatus, which will allow you to understand the mechanism of entrepreneurial activity, analyze and forecast the main economic indicators of such activity, and form models of enterprise development.

The academic discipline "Entrepreneurship II" is one of the components of the comprehensive training of specialists in the field of knowledge "Management and Administration" – programme subject area 076 "Entrepreneurship and Trade" (OPP "Entrepreneurship and Business Technologies"). The place of the discipline among the educational courses is determined by its content and orientation on the professional competencies of the future specialist. The discipline is studied when obtaining basic higher education.

The discipline "Entrepreneurship II" provides the necessary set of theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the economic implementation of entrepreneurial activity, in particular, when studying the discipline, special attention is paid to the methods, rules and conditions of a comprehensive approach to issues of managing an economic entity.

Interdisciplinary connections of the academic discipline. The discipline "Entrepreneurship II" is a logical continuation of the course "Entrepreneurship I" and is based on the initial methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, in particular management, finance, marketing, microeconomics, international economics, etc.

Teaching methods and diagnostic tools that correspond to the specified learning outcomes in the academic discipline "Entrepreneurship II"are given in Table 1.


Table 1 – Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the academic discipline “Entrepreneurship II” in accordance with learning outcomes


Learning outcome by academic discipline

Teaching methods





Learning outcome





Conceptual scientific and practical knowledge, critical understanding of theories, principles, methods and concepts in the field of professional activity and/or study

Lecture, seminar, active non-imitative and imitative learning methods, solving specific tasks and situations, independent and individual work


Presentation, survey, test, discussion, modular work, exam





Advanced cognitive and practical skills/abilities,

skill and innovation at the level required for

solving complex, parallel tasks and practical problems in the field of professional activity or study


Lecture, seminar, active non-imitative and imitative learning methods, solving specific tasks and situations, independent and individual work


Presentation, survey, test, check individual works, module control, exam,





information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and arguments to specialists and non-specialists

Lecture, seminar, active non-imitative and imitative learning methods , solving specific tasks and situations, independent and individual work


Test, verification of the performance of calculation work, verification of the performance of solved specific tasks and situations, module control, exam,



Data collection, interpretation and application




Responsibility and autonomy


Managing a complex technical or professional activity or project

Lecture, seminar, active non-imitative and imitative learning methods, solving specific tasks and situations, independent and individual work

Discussion, test, verification of calculation work, module control, exam



Ability to take responsibility for making and taking decisions in unpredictable work and/or learning contexts



Forming judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects




Content academic disciplines by topics:

Topic 1. Company personnel

Topic 2. Firm's capital. Fixed capital

Topic 3. Working capital

Topic 4.Intellectual capital

Topic 5. Investment activities of the firm

Topic 6. Firm costs and pricing

Topic 7. Business efficiency

Topic 8. Taxation of business activities

Topic 9. Business processes of the company and their optimization

Topic 10.Innovative activities of the company

Topic 11.Product quality and enterprise competitiveness

Topic 12. Economic security of the enterprise and entrepreneurial risks

Topic 13. Restructuring, bankruptcy, rehabilitation and liquidation of an enterprise

Topic 14. Modern models of entrepreneurial development

Topic 15. Internet technologies in business activities


Academic staff and their email addresses

Vita KOVTUN, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, kovtun .vita @ kneu.edu.ua


Recommended informational sources :

1 . Enterprise Economics: textbook / [G. O. Shvydanenko, K. S. Boychenko, V. G. Vasylkov, A. I. Dmytrenko and others]; general and scientific editor G. O. Shvydanenko. - 2nd ed., revised and supplemented - Kyiv: KNEU, 2019. - 551 p.

2. Enterprise economics: tasks, cases, business games [Electronic resource]: workshop / [authors: G. O. Shvydanenko, I. M. Repina, K. A. Andryushchenko and others]; general editor G. O. Shvydanenko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv. National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman". Electronic text data. Kyiv: KNEU, 2018. 307 p.

3. Enterprise economics in formalized definitions, tasks and calculations: tasks, cases and calculations [Electronic resource]: teaching manual / G. O. Shvydanenko, O. V. Kryvoruchkina; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv. National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman". Electronic text data. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2017. - 169p.

4. Management of entrepreneurial activity: a textbook / N. M. Shmatko , R. O. Poberezhny, M. V. Karminska-Belobrova , I. V. Ugrimova [and others]; ed.: prof. Pererva P. G., assoc. prof. Panteleev M. S.; National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute ". Electronic text data. Kharkiv, 2019. 1100 p.


Last redaction: 18.02.25