Entrepreneurship ІSUMMARY OF THE ACADEMICDISCIPLINE "ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1" Recommended for applicants to the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. The purpose of the academic discipline is to form a system of knowledge about the essence of entrepreneurship as a special type of activity, a certain style and type of behavior that determines the business culture of the enterprise, a modern form of management of production and commercial structures in the conditions of market relations; acquisition of practical skills of complexperceptionandsolutionproblems,Whatariseinactivitiesentrepreneurialstructuresforcreating a favorable business environment and increasing the efficiency of the functioning of production and economicsystems. Interdisciplinary connections of the academic discipline "Entrepreneurship 1" are determined by the peculiarities of training bachelors in the programme subject area 076 "Entrepreneurship and Trade" (specialization "Entrepreneurship and Business Technologies"). It is based on the theoretical foundation of entrepreneurship and methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, in particular management, finance, marketing, etc. A logical continuation of the study of the discipline "Entrepreneurship 1" is the discipline "Entrepreneurship 2 (Economicscompanies)". Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in accordance with the academic discipline "Entrepreneurship 1": formation and use in accordance with learning outcomes
Content of the academic discipline "Entrepreneurship 1 " by topics: Content module 1. Topic 1. Generalcharacteristicentrepreneurship Topic 2. Legalfundamentals and organizationalformsentrepreneurialactivities Topic 3. Enterprise as the mainorganizational structureentrepreneurialactivities Topic 4. Typology entrepreneurship (types of entrepreneurships) Topic 5. Small business inmarketeconomy Topic 6. Mechanism creation own affairs Topic 7. Marketproducts andservicesenterprises Topic 8. Management in entrepreneurial activities Topic 9. Business planning inentrepreneurialactivities Topic 10. Marketing inentrepreneurialactivities Topic 11. Financingentrepreneurialactivities Topic 12. Contractualrelationships and partnershipsconnectionsin entrepreneurship Topic 13. Entrepreneurialsuccess andculturebusiness Topic 15. Technologieswarning andeliminationbusiness conflicts Topic 16. Shadoweconomyin business Academic staff and their email addresses Vita KOVTUN, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, kovtun .vita @ kneu.edu.ua Recommended information sources 1. Hryshchenko I. M. Entrepreneur Business : Textbook for university students / I. M. Grishchenko. K.: Gramota, 2016. 519with. 2. Entrepreneurship :organization ,efficiency ,business culture:workshop/ColtV.M.,RepinI.M.,NickO.V. 3. Ligonenko L. O. Entrepreneurship and business culture: textbook / L.O. Ligonenko , G.L. Piratovsky , I.V. Moloshtan and others; general editor L.O. Ligonenko K.: Kyiv . National Trade and Economic University , 2011. 508with. 4. Neoeconomics and imperatives development entrepreneurship : monograph / I. M. Repina , V. P. Kukoba , O. O. Kizenko and others . ]. Kyiv : KNEU, 2021. 243with. 5. Management entrepreneurialactivity : teachmanual /N.M.Shmatko ,R.AT.Coastal ,M.IN.Karminskaya - Belobrova ,and.IN. Ugrimova [andetc. ];ed.:prof.BreakP.G.,Assoc. Prof.PanteleevM.WITH.;Nationaltech .university" Kharkiv . "Polytechnic Institute . Electronic text . d ani . Kharkiv , 2019. 1100with. Last redaction: 18.02.25 |