Circular EconomyABSTRACT OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE CIRCULAR ECONOMY Recommended for applicants to the first (bachelor's) level of higher education The purposeof the academic discipline is to form theoretical knowledge and practical skills in applying the principles of the circular economy to ensure sustainable development, optimize resources, and reduce negative impact on the environment. The interdisciplinaryconnections of the discipline "Circular Economy" are determined by the specifics of bachelor's training and are based on the theoretical foundation and methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, such as business economics, entrepreneurship, and business culture, the training course "creating your own business", etc. Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the academic discipline "circular economy" in accordance with learning outcomes
Content of the academic discipline by topic. Section 1. GREEN GROWTH AND ECOEVOLUTION: NEW TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTALISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Topic 1. Eco-innovation as a driver of green growth: analysis of global practices Topic 2. The role of biodiversity in shaping a sustainable development strategy Topic 3. Green urbanism: trends in the ecological transformation of cities Section 2. CIRCULAR ECONOMY: THEORETICAL BASIS, KEY PRINCIPLES AND PATHS OF IMPLEMENTATION IN THE MODERN WORLD Topic 1. Fundamentals of the circular economy concept: from theory to practice Topic 2. Key principles of the circular economy: waste as a resource Topic 3. International experience in implementing a circular economy: lessons for Ukraine Section 3. CIRCULAR BUSINESS MODELS: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS FOR UKRAINE Topic 1. European business models in the circular economy: analysis of successful cases Topic 2. Circular economy in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities for business Topic 3. Creating closed cycles in business: prospects for partnership between the public and private sectors Section 4. RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMPETITION OF ENTERPRISES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY Topic 1. Tools for assessing resource efficiency at enterprises: modern approaches Topic 2. The impact of ecological transformation on the competitiveness of enterprises Topic 3. Resource-saving technologies in production: innovative solutions for the Ukrainian market Faculty: Teplіuk Mariaі Anatoliivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Recommended information sources: 1. The Circularity Gap Report 2023. URL: 2. 1Circular Economy (distance learning) - Teplyuk - . EMBE26175U_DIST. 3. Access mode 4. Harwood S. Winning consumers with a circular economy. 5. URL: 6. Guy Shone, Cyril Fourneris. The circular economy: a €4.1 trillion opportunity? URL: 7. Roger Ong. 10Rs of Circular Economy: strategies sustainable businesses use. 8. Kulmala Anna-Katri. 41 pioneering Finnish circular economy companies. URL: 9. Модель циркулярної економіки. URL: 10. V.V.Lagodiienko, O.I.Datsii, O.P.Petrenko, M.A.Tepliuk, M.O.Budiaiev. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF ASSESSMENT AND MARKETING OF CARBON EMISSIONS BY ENTERPRISES BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES of sustainable development. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. 2023, (3): 111 – 117 11. Sahaidak, M., Tepliuk, M., Dykan, V., Popova, N., & Bortnik, A. (2020). Comprehensive assessment of influence of the innovative development asymmetry on functioning of the industrial enterprise. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2020(6), 162-167. 12. Lagodiienko, V. V., Datsii, O. I., Petrenko, O. P., Tepliuk, M. A., & Budiaiev, M. O. (2023). Economic aspects of assessment and marketing of carbon emissions by enterprises based on the principles of sustainable development. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2023(3), 111-117.
Last redaction: 19.03.25 |