Faculty of Economics and Management




Recommended for applicants of the first (bachelor) degree of higher education

The purpose of the discipline is to develop theoretical and practical competencies in higher education students that allow them to form an idea of creating their own business, as well as to raise the entrepreneurial spirit of students, to form modern economic thinking and a system of special economic knowledge in order to develop skills for starting their own business, forecasting and planning economic indicators, developing an economic development strategy taking into account the socio-economic aspects of improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Interdisciplinary connections: are determined by the specifics of training bachelors in the Programme Subject Area 073 "Management". To study the discipline, knowledge of such related disciplines as business economics, management, human resources management and others is required. The place of the training course "Creation of Your Own Business" in the educational process is that it integrates practical aspects of such disciplines as marketing, accounting, labour economics and social and labour relations, and others.

2. Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools:

Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the discipline TRAINING COURSE "CREATION OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS" in accordance with the learning outcomes

Learning results

Teaching methods

Diagnostic tools /

Forms of evaluation 






basic categories and the latest theories, concepts, technologies and methods in the field of business

lecture, seminar-discussion with elements of analysis, solving specific problems and situations, work in small creative groups to complete a creative task

Presentation, survey, test, case-study, module work, assessment



essence, principles of implementation, forms, types and models of business



experience in creating a business in developed market countries



current laws and regulations of Ukraine regarding the legal framework for business activities



peculiarities of business organization



the procedure for forming investment programs of enterprises



essence and components of business plan development



technologies for preventing and resolving business conflicts



modern methodological approaches to assessing the feasibility of business projects



modern sources of economic, social, managerial, and accounting information for the preparation of official documents and analytical reports






search for and justify a business idea

lecture, seminar-discussion with elements of analysis, solving specific problems and situations, seminar-conference, work in small creative groups, case study

presentation, survey, test, case-study, modular work, assessment



justify business goals and strategies for their development



develop statutory documents and business design



resolve business conflicts at the enterprise in a civilized manner



assess the investment attractiveness and business reputation of business entities



independently use analytical and methodological tools to substantiate effective management decisions and make adequate decisions to improve the efficiency of business activities






Developing practical teamwork skills in students, namely:

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations


checking the performance of calculation works, case-study, checking the performance of solved specific tasks and situations, presentation, assessment


communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and arguments


ability to work in a team - to take responsibility for achieving the goal


communicate on professional issues orally and in writing with participants in economic relations to ensure the functioning and development of the enterprise


ability to develop proposals to eliminate identified shortcomings and errors




Responsibility and autonomy



demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to take responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or recommendations that may affect the activities of the enterprise as a whole or its individual units


seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations, analytical report

checking the implementation of calculation works, case-study, modular work, credit



forming judgments that take into account the social, scientific and ethical aspects of the organization and management of the professional development of individuals and groups in substantiating operational, tactical and strategic management decisions on various aspects of the enterprise





         3. Content of the discipline by topic

Topic 1. The main stages of business creation

Topic 2. Leadership as a source of ensuring competitive advantage

Topic 3. The entrepreneur's personality tablet and personnel, their business skills

Topic 4. Business planning with consideration of marketing tools

Topic 5. Organizational support of business

Topic 6. Development of a business financial plan and risk assessment

Topic 7. Digital technologies in business

Topic 8. Diagnostics of business performance and change management


      4. Academic staff providing teaching of the discipline and their e-mail addresses:

Shkoda Tetiana, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, e-mail: shkoda-tetiana@kneu.edu.ua

Tepliuk Maria, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, e-mail:maria_6.11@kneu.edu.ua

Khodakyvskyy Volodymyr, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Department, e-mail:volodymyr_khodakyvskyy@kneu.edu.ua

 5. Recommended information sources:

  1. Distance Learning Course "Starting Your Own Business", 2018 (EMBE36049U_DIST)
  2. Starting Your Own Business: Study Guide / [A. M. Kolot et al.]; general editors: A. M. Kolot, G. O. Shvydanenko. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2017. - 312 pages.
  3. Starting Your Own Business: Practicum / A. M. Kolot [et al.]; general editors: A. M. Kolot, G. O. Shvydanenko. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2016. - 328 pages.
  4. Kolot A.M. Social Responsibility: Study Guide / [A.M. Kolot, O.A. Hrishnova et al.]; general editor: Dr.Prof. A.M. Kolot. - Kyiv: KNEU, 2014. - 251 pages.
  5. Entrepreneurship: Organization, Efficiency, Business Culture: Practicum / Kolot V.M., Riepina I.M., Shcherbyna O.V., Sherhina L.A., Kovtun V.P. - Kyiv: KNEU. URL: https://ir.kneu.edu.ua/handle/2010/18895 (Accessed: 31.10.2022).Burns, P. (2018). New Venture Creation (2nd ed.). Bloomsbury Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.perlego.com/book/2996680/new-venture-creation-a-framework-for-entrepreneurial-startups-pdf
Last redaction: 12.02.25