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- Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship»
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- Professional Research Work_051
Professional Research Work_051ABSTRACT OF THE ACADEMICAL DISCIPLINE «Professional Research Work» Recommended for applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. The purpose of studying the academic discipline is to form in applicants a complex of knowledge and skills regarding the methodological culture of scientific research and the technology of its implementation. Interdisciplinary connections: the place of the discipline among the educational courses of professional training of a bachelor in the specialty "Enterprise Economics" is determined by its content and orientation to the professional competencies of the future specialist. It is based on the theoretical, methodological and practical basis of the general logic of doing business, as well as the methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, in particular, enterprise economics, management, innovation economics, organization of operational activities, labour economics and social and labour relations, etc. Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the academic discipline "Professional scientific and research work" in accordance with the learning outcomes The result of training according to the academic discipline | Teaching methods | Diagnostic tools/Evaluation forms | | 1. | Knowledge: | 1.1 | the concept of science, its classification and sections, the essence, types and characteristics of scientific research. methodologies of scientific research. basic principles and methods of scientific research | Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse, small group work | Active participation in the discussion. Essay. Training tasks. Slide presentations. Work in mini groups. Preparation of abstracts for the conference. Preparation of a scientific article. Coursework essay. Defence of coursework essay. | | 1.2 | the foundations of economics as a science, characteristics of fundamental and applied economic science, theory as part of scientific economic knowledge, economic ontology and axiology. the fundamental principles of economic science and paradigms of economic thinking, economic epistemology and praxeology | Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse, small group work | | 1.3 | criteria of scientificity, methodological directions and approaches in the development of economic thought, general scientific (idealization, historical, systematic observation, comparison, measurement, analysis, synthesis, systematization, modelling) and special (quantitative analysis of consumer preferences, strategic analysis, business portfolio, matrix-graphic modelling, retrospective analysis, determination of stages of the enterprise life cycle, etc.) methods in economic research | Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse | | 1.4 | key provisions of functional-mechanistic, systemic, and information approaches in economic science; general scientific methods of theoretical and experimental types of research in economic science | Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse | | 1.5 | the main stages of the research process: organizational, research and final | Lecture, seminar, discussion, demonstration, discourse | | 1.6 | basic characteristics of substantiation of the direction and topic of scientific research, rules for formulating the research topic, determining the relationship between the topic, object and subject, goals and objectives of the research, detailing the topic in the content of the research | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 1.7 | concepts, roles and structures of scientific bibliography, information support for scientific research, sources of scientific and factual information used in scientific research; search engines and scientometric databases; features of work in the UDC system | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 1.8 | the essence, necessity, varieties, structure and rules for formulating a working hypothesis, methods for verifying the working hypothesis of scientific research | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 1.9 | concepts and types of scientific results, levels of scientific novelty: relevance, reliability, validity, theoretical and practical significance of scientific results, subject areas of scientific discoveries, the role of scientific experiment in economics | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 1.10 | methods of testing the results of scientific research (scientific article, testing of research results at scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.), preparation of a scientific report and visualization of results, procedure, ethics and principles of conducting a scientific discussion | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 1.11 | differences between essays and other scientific genres, including abstracts, articles, monographs, reports; structure and features of writing essays and scientific essays; ways to solve basic problems when writing essays | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, essay writing | | 1.12 | main categories used when characterizing academic integrity; key principles of academic integrity; norms for observing academic integrity by higher education applicants, scientific and pedagogical workers, employees and guests of higher education institutions; types of violations of academic integrity during educational and scientific activities; types of academic plagiarism and measures taken to prevent all types of academic plagiarism; types of liability for violations of academic integrity | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, testing | | 1.13 | mandatory components of the documentary form of a scientific essay, general requirements for the design of a manuscript of a term paper essay | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 1.14 | features of checking the uniqueness of the text of a coursework essay for plagiarism; rules for internal review of work and evaluation of coursework essays at the KNEU named after V. Hetman and characteristics of the overall assessment of coursework essays at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship; requirements for presenting the results of a coursework essay at a meeting of the scientific section and features of constructing the text of a report and slide presentation; on the features of conducting a scientific discussion in discussing the results of a coursework essay presentation | Seminar session, discussion training, presentation preparation | | 2. | Skills/Abilities: | 2.1 | apply modern methods of conducting scientific research | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | Completion of individual tasks, completion of group training tasks, test (module) work, defence and presentation of coursework essay, credit | | 2.2 | justify the scientific novelty, the topic of the chosen direction of scientific research, formulate the object, subject, goal and objectives of the research | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 2.3 | to form information support for scientific research, to compile a bibliography | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 2.3 | to form a working hypothesis of the research, to use scientific methods of its verification | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 2.4 | determine the reliability, theoretical and practical significance of scientific results | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 2.5 | to test the results of scientific research, prepare a scientific report, theses and visualize the results of the research | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation | | 2.6 | to conduct scientific polemics and discussions | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training | | 2.7 | to carry out scientific research in the form of preparing a term paper essay | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation | | 3. | Communication | | ability to work in a team, developing skills aimed at: 3.1) formulating a scientific problem, distributing and consolidating its components for solution among team members; 3.2) preparing, publishing and collectively defending presentations by members of the mini-group on key aspects of conducting scientific research and on famous Nobel laureates in a particular field of economic science; 3.3) conducting a scientific debate | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation | Checking the completion of training tasks, presentation, discourse, coursework essay, test | | 4. | Responsibility and autonomy | | 4.1) the ability to take personal responsibility when performing individual and group tasks 4.2) demonstrate effective autonomy when performing tasks that arise during the preparation and defence of a term paper, the ability to work relatively autonomously in a team when performing collective trainings | Seminar, discussion, discourse, training, presentation, term paper | Checking the completion of training tasks, presentation, discourse, coursework essay, test | |
Course content by topic Topic 1. Introduction to research work Topic 2. Universal characteristics of scientific research Topic 3. Structure of economic scientific knowledge Topic 4. Methodology of economic research Topic 5. Organization of the research process Topic 6. Formulation, relevance and prospects of the research topic Topic 7. Information support of scientific research and scientific bibliography Topic 8. Working hypothesis of the research: construction and verification Topic 9. Novelty and reliability of the scientific result Topic 10. Forms of presentation of the results of scientific research Topic 11. Essay as a scientific genre Topic 12. Academic integrity and academic plagiarism Topic 13. Content and design of a term paper essay Topic 14. Organization of the defense of a term paper essay Academic staff and their email addresses Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Nataliia Shevchuk, shevchuk@kneu.edu.ua Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Kuziomko, kuzomko.volodymyr@kneu.edu.ua Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Olena Kuzmenko, kuzmenko.olena@kneu.edu.ua Recommended information sources 1. Arutyunov V.Kh., Mishin V.M., Svintsitsky V.M. Methodology of socio-economic cognition: Textbook. K.: KNEU, 2005. 353 p. 2. Zadorozhna N.V., Evdokimova N.M., Reshetnyak T.I. Scientific research work of a student at the final stage of undergraduate studies: scientific seminar. Coursework-essay: Textbook for independent study of a dissertation. K.: KNEU, 2007. 120 p. 3. Mocherny S.V. Methodology of economic research. L.: Svit, 2001. 419 p. 4. Pilyushenko V.L., Shkrabak I.V., Slavenko E.I. Scientific research: organization, methodology, information support: Textbook. Kyiv: Libra, 2004. 344 p. 5. Stechenko D.M., Chmyr O.S. Methodology of scientific research: Textbook. Kyiv: Znannia, 2005.- 309 p. Last redaction: 12.02.25 |