Faculty of Economics and Management

Entrepreneurship_072_Public Finance and Customs Affairs



Recommended for applicants of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the educational and professional program

"Public Finance and Customs Affairs"

1. The purpose of mastering the academic discipline

The purpose of the trainingdisciplinesconsists in forming a system of knowledge about the essence of entrepreneurship as a special type of activity, a certain style and type of behaviour that determines the business culture of the enterprise, a modern form of management of production and commercial structures in the conditions of market relations; acquiring practical skills of comprehensive perception and solving problems that arise in the activities of business structures to create a favourable business environment and increase the efficiency of the functioning of production and economic systems.

Interdisciplinary connections: prerequisites and postrequisites.Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline "Entrepreneurship"are determined by the peculiarities of training applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the OPP "Public Finance and Customs Affairs" specialty 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market". The educational discipline integrates a large number of basic concepts and techniques of general theoretical disciplines, is based on the theoretical foundation of entrepreneurship and methodological provisions of related economic disciplines.

Prerequisites: the academic discipline is based on the knowledge and competencies that a higher education student acquires while studying the academic disciplines: "Philosophy", "Management", "Macroeconomics", "Microeconomics", "Psychology".

Postrequisites: as a result of studying the discipline, the necessary competency base will be formed for mastering such disciplines as "Finance", "Econometrics", "Marketing", "Personnel Management", "International Economics", "Financial Thought of Ukraine", "Statistics", "Investment" and others. Knowledge from the academic discipline "Entrepreneurship" can be used when writing a qualifying bachelor's thesis.

2. Learning outcomes, learning methods and diagnostic tools:

Table 1 – Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the academic discipline

Entrepreneurship” in accordance with learning outcomes


Learning outcomes by academic discipline

Teaching methods


diagnostics / assessment forms




characteristics and typologies of entrepreneurship, principles of implementation, forms and models of entrepreneurial activity

lecture, seminar, testing, discussion, solving specific tasks and situations, case study, independent and individual work, presentation

1. Oral (theoretical) interview.

2. Verification of the performance of analytical and calculation work, individual and team tasks.

3. Participation in the discussion and, based on its results, self-assessment and mutual assessment of participants.

4. Checking a written individual assignment (abstract, essay based on the results of an analytical review of scientific articles)

5. Control (modular) work.

6. Exam


technologies for starting your own business


the essence, forms and structure of entrepreneurial capital, the procedure for forming initial (start-up) entrepreneurial capital and its sources, the features of the formation and efficiency of the use of the company's personnel


the essence and characteristics of innovation processes and assessing the effectiveness of technical and organizational innovations


the essence of business planning


features of organizing budgeting for entrepreneurial activities


financial and economic principles of entrepreneurship and analytical assessment of the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity


the essence and components of entrepreneurial success and business ethics


the essence and functions of business communication in the entrepreneurship system




use analytical and methodological tools to understand the logic of making informed decisions regarding the choice of a method for creating your own business and its organizational and legal form

seminar, discussion, case study, work in small creative groups, solving specific tasks and situations

1 Presentation,

2. Survey,

3. Testing,

4. Verification of the performance of analytical and calculation work, individual and team tasks, case solutions,

5. Control

(modular) work

6. Exam


to search for a business idea


calculate the required amount of entrepreneurial capital


determine the number of personnel, justify proposals for improving personnel movement processes; determine labour productivity


assess the investment attractiveness and business reputation of business entities


evaluate the profitability of the enterprise


to form and calculate indicators for assessing the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity


use the methodology for assessing the impact of risks and ways to minimize them


develop, formulate and implement measures for the formation and further development of the organizational culture of business entities


explain the legal principles of resolving corporate business conflicts; analyse and evaluate methods of preventing business conflicts



Developing practical teamwork skills in students, namely:

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations


verification of the implementation of calculation work, case study, verification of the implementation of solved specific tasks and situations, presentation, exam


communicating information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experiences and arguments


ability to work in a team- take responsibility for achieving the goal


communication on professional issues orally and in writing with participants in economic relations to ensure the functioning and development of the enterprise


ability to develop proposals for eliminating identified shortcomings and errors


Responsibility and autonomy:

demonstrate an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to bear responsibility for making professional or managerial decisions or providing recommendations that may affect the activities of the enterprise as a whole or its individual divisions, in particular when:

seminar, discussion, solving specific problems and situations, analytical report


verification of calculation work, case study, modular work, exam


managing complex technical or professional activities or projects


forming judgments that take into account social, scientific and ethical aspects


organizing and leading the professional development of individuals and groups


when justifying operational, tactical and strategic management decisions regarding various aspects of the enterprise's functioning.


in producing their own practical ideas based on the principles of academic culture and integrity


with the ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy


with the ability to think independently and independently


3. Content of the academic discipline by topics:

Topic 1. General characteristics and typology of entrepreneurship

Topic 2. Legal framework and organizational forms of entrepreneurial activity

Topic 3. Small business in a market economy

Topic 4. Technology of starting your own business

Topic 5. Formation of entrepreneurial capital

Topic 6. Enterprise personnel: indicators of its formation and efficiency of use

Topic 7. Innovation and investment policy of the firm

Topic 8. Start-up as an innovative form of starting a business

Topic 9. Business planning

Topic 10. Fundamentals of business administration

Topic 11. Budgeting of business activities

Topic 12. Financial and economic principles of entrepreneurship and analytical assessment of the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity

Topic 13. Hedging business risks and combating the shadow economy

Topic 14. Entrepreneurial success and business culture

Topic 15. The essence and model range of business cultures

Topic 16. Fundamentals of forming cultural business communications

Topic 17. Technologies for preventing and resolving business conflicts

4. Scientific and pedagogical workers who provide teaching of the academic discipline and their email addresses:

Khodakyvskyy Volodymyr Mykolayovych, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail: volodymyr_khodakyvskyy@kneu.edu.ua

5. Recommended information sources:

1.       Shevchenko I. Economics of Enterprise: Textbook for Practical Classes and Independent Student Work. 2nd Edition, Updated / I. Shevchenko, O. Dmytriieva. Kharkiv: FOP Brovin O.V., 2022. 156 pages.

2.       Apopii V. V. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Study Guide / V. V. Apopii, S. A. Sereda, N. O. Shutovska. Lviv: Novyi Svit-2000, 2023. 323 pages.

3.       Karpiuk H. I. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: Study Guide for Vocational (Technical) Education Students, 2021, p. 98. URL: https://mon.gov.ua/storage/app/media/pto/2021/04/19/Osnovy%20pidpryyemnytstva.pdf

4.       Fundamentals of Economic Literacy and Entrepreneurship: Study Guide / S. V. Alekseeva, L. O. Bazyl, V. B. Baidulin, I. A. Hrytsenok, L. M. Yershova, D. O. Zakatnov, V. F. Orlov, H. V. Sokhatska. Zhytomyr: "Polissia", 2021. 248 pages.

5.       Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activity: Textbook / Edited by Doctor of Economics, Prof. V. M. Marchenko. Kyiv: KPI named after Ihor Sikorskyi. Publishing House "Politekhnika", 2022. 515 pages.

6.       Pedko A. B. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business Culture: Study Guide / A. B. Pedko. Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2020. 168 pages.

7.       Entrepreneurship: Textbook / I. V. Hontareva. Kharkiv: V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2021. 392 pages.

8.       Entrepreneurship and Business Basics. Practicum: Study Guide / [T. O. Biliak, S. Yu. Biriuchenko, K. O. Buzhymska, et al.]; Edited by T. P. Ostapchuk. Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Polytechnic, 2023. 280 pages.

9.       Entrepreneurship and Business Basics. Practicum: Study Guide / [T. O. Biliak, S. Yu. Biriuchenko, K. O. Buzhymska, et al.]; Edited by T. P. Ostapchuk. Zhytomyr: Zhytomyr Polytechnic, 2023. 280 pages.

10.    Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities: Textbook / General Editorship by O. V. Dymchenko; [O. V. Dymchenko, O. D. Panova, V. V. Konenko, et al.]; O. M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy. Kharkiv: O. M. Beketov Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy, 2022. 432 pages.

11.    Entrepreneurship: Study Guide / General Editorship by H. I. Kupalova. Kyiv: "Kyiv University", 2022. 376 pages.

12.    Pletos S. V. Entrepreneurial Activity: Lecture Notes. Odesa: ODEKU, 2021. 121 pages.

Last redaction: 05.03.25