Faculty of Economics and Management




Recommended for students of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education

Course Objective: The course aims to develop an understanding of key interrelations within the budgeting system, enabling students to design budget formats, calculate indicators of operational and main company budgets (profit and loss statement – P&L, cash flow budget – CF, and managerial balance sheet), and justify managerial decisions based on the analysis of planned budgets and budget execution reports.

Interdisciplinary Connections: The Budgeting course integrates previously acquired competencies from entrepreneurship, business information technologies, accounting, and management at a new level.

Learning Outcomes and Methods:

The course provides knowledge of budgeting theory, methods for integrating cost calculation techniques, and approaches to budget development. It enhances students' ability to create and analyze financial and operational budgets, define financial responsibility centers, and structure corporate finances for budgeting processes. The course also develops communication skills related to budget discussions, teamwork, and documentation.

Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, and Assessment Tools

Learning Outcomes

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools

Understanding key concepts of budgeting theory, budget system interrelations, and business characteristics

Lectures, discussions

Quizzes, tests, independent assignments

Approaches to developing a budgeting system by linking goals, functions, methods, and tools

Discussions, case studies

Assignments, projects

Methods of cost calculation and project budget estimation for resource planning and control

Case studies, training

Reports, project work

Factors affecting the effectiveness of a budgeting system

Lectures, discussions

Analysis and evaluation

Development of operational and financial budgets

Discussions, case studies

Project analysis, reflection

Course Content:

1.     Types of Corporate Budgets

2.     Budgets and Company Structuring Based on Management Type

3.     Financial Structuring of Business by Responsibility Centers

4.     Budgeting as an Information Source for Business Management

5.     Profit and Loss Budget as a Profit Planning Tool

6.     Planning Cash Flows and Investments Through Budgets

7.     Managing Assets and Capital Based on the Forecast Balance Sheet

8.     Budget Performance Analysis and Evaluation

9.     Establishing a Corporate Budgeting System

Course Instructors:

• Olena O. Kyzenko, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship. Email: e.kyzenko@kneu.edu.ua

• Iryna V. Kubareva, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship. Email: kubareva.iryna@kneu.edu.ua

Recommended Resources:

1.     Holov S.F. Management Accounting: Textbook. Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2023. – 532 p.

2.     Fundamentals of Budgeting: Educational Guide for Independent Study of the Discipline. Edited by L.P. Batenko. Kyiv: KNEU, 2010. – 202 p.

3.     Davidenco N.M., Buryak A.V., Titenko Z.M. Budgeting of Business Entities: Textbook. Kyiv: Komprint, 2020. – 430 p.

Last redaction: 19.03.25