| - Faculties»
- Faculty of Economics and Management»
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- Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship»
- Bachelor Degree Courses»
TRAINING COURSE «START UP»ANNOTATION OF THE DISCIPLINE «TRAINING COURSE «START UP» recommended for students at the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education 1. Purpose of the Academic Discipline. The purpose of this discipline is to equip students with a set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for launching and organizing a start-up, economically justifying its chosen field of activity, and ensuring the successful operation of business projects. Interdisciplinary Links. TRAINING COURSE «START UP» is part of the block of elective disciplines that provide professional training for students at the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education. The discipline comprises two parts — theoretical and training — which together ensure a strong practical focus grounded in theoretical and methodological foundations. The content of «START UP» reflects the specificities of preparing bachelor-level students and builds upon the theoretical basis of entrepreneurship and the methodological tenets of related economic disciplines, such as enterprise economics, management, statistics, marketing, finance, enterprise potential and development, and innovation economics. 2. Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, and Assessment Tools: Table 1 – Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools for Learning Outcomes in the TRAINING COURSE «START UP» Learning outcome for the academic discipline | Teaching Methods | Assessment Tools | Learning Outcome Code | Learning Outcome | 1. | Knowledge: | 1.1 | understanding different forms of entrepreneurship and the specifics of a start-up enterprise; becoming familiar with possible options for financing a start-up; identifying the features of choosing a start-up business model; | Lecture, seminar, discussion | Oral questioning, case study, control exercises, control (modular) work, final assessment, pass/fail exam | 1.2 | content of the decision-making processes at the initial stage of starting a business under uncertainty and dynamic market changes; | 1.3 | methods and technologies of entrepreneurial activity, modern business models, and latest market development trends; | Lecture, seminar-discussion with elements of analysis, case analysis | 1.4 | key differences among various start-up financing options, risk assessment of projects, and scenario analysis of project economic efficiency. | 2. | Skills/Abilities: | 2.1 | developing skills to launch a start-up; revealing features of managing an enterprise’s innovative development; generating own business ideas and creative solutions to complex business cases; | Training sessions, team projects, case-solving, situational exercises, discussions | Project presentations, oral questioning, tests, case study, control (modular) work, final assessment, pass/fail exam | 2.2 | applying skills in brand creation and brand management; creating programs to build customer loyalty and retention; selecting optimal interactive marketing tools, promoting through social networks; learning the specifics of virtual business operations; | 2.3 | identifying approaches to positioning a start-up; developing effective presentation techniques for a start-up; | Training sessions, team projects, discussions | 2.4 | strengthening the ability to develop a start-up business plan; forming a business model, drafting detailed financial and marketing plans, and creating sales and promotion plans for products and services; | Training sessions, team projects, case-solving, situational exercises, discussions | 2.5 | learning effective techniques for assembling a team capable of working in a start-up format; | Training sessions, team projects, discussions | 2.6 | gaining practical skills in developing individual and corporate social responsibility programs. | Training sessions, team projects, discussions | 3. | Communication | Developing practical teamwork skills in students, specifically: | Practical training sessions, discussions, case-solving, situational exercises | Performance in training tasks, situational exercises, case studies, presentations, control (modular) work, final assessment, pass/fail exam | 3.1 | conveying information, ideas, problems, solutions, personal experience, and arguments; | 3.2 | ability to work in a team — taking responsibility to achieve common goals; | 3.3 | oral and written professional communication with economic stakeholders to ensure business growth and development; | 3.4 | understanding the foundations of building partnerships for effective start-up operations. | 4. | Responsibility and Autonomy | demonstrating an understanding of personal responsibility and the ability to be accountable for professional or managerial decisions and recommendations that may affect company development: | Training sessions, discussions, case-solving, situational exercises, project presentation | Project presentation of a new business venture, control (modular) work, final assessment, pass/fail exam | 4.1 | forming judgments that take into account social, scientific, and ethical aspects; | 4.2 | organizing and leading the professional development of individuals and groups; | 4.3 | substantiating operational, tactical, and strategic management decisions related to the financial and economic aspects of enterprise development; | 4.4 | generating original practical ideas based on principles of academic culture and integrity; | 4.5 | ability to continue studies with a high degree of autonomy; | 4.6 | capacity for independent and critical thinking. |
3. Content of the Academic Discipline by Topics: - Organizing a Start-Up
- Peculiarities of Start-Up Financing
- Business Modelling in a Start-Up Format
- Launching a Start-Up
- Start-Up Team Building
- Developing a Start-Up Business Plan
- Positioning a Start-Up
- Creating a Start-Up Brand
- Capital Attraction
- Building Partnerships
- Developing Loyalty Programs for a Start-Up
- Social Responsibility of a Start-Up
- Interactive Marketing in a Start-Up Format
- Presenting a Start-Up
4. Academic Staff and Their Email Addresses: Kuzhel, Marina Yuriyivna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Email: marinakuzhel@gmail.net Kyryliuk, Oksana Vasylivna, PhD (Entrepreneurship, Trade, and Exchange Activities), Associate Professor Email: kyryliuk.oksana@kneu.edu.ua 5. Recommended Information Sources: · Appelo, J. Startup, Scaleup, Screwup: 42 Tools to Accelerate Lean and Agile Business Growth. Fabula, 2021. 240 p. · Belsky, S. The Messy Middle: Finding Your Way Through the Hardest and Most Crucial Part of Any Bold Venture. ArtHuss, 2020. 416 p. · Blank, S., Dorf, B. The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. Kyiv: Nash Format, 2019. 512 p. · Kolot, V. M., Ryepina, I. M., & Shcherbyna, O. V. Entrepreneurship: Organization, Efficiency, Business Culture: Textbook. Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman, 2009. 444 p. · Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Kyiv: Nash Format, 2017. 288 p. · Starting Your Own Business: Textbook. Edited by A. M. Kolot and G. O. Shvydanenko. Kyiv: KNEU, 2017. 312 p. Last redaction: 19.03.25 |