Enterprise Economics_051SUMMARY OF THE DISCIPLINE «Enterprise Economics» The purpose of the discipline formation of students' modern economic thinking and a system of special economic knowledge in the theory and practice of management,in the field of forecasting and planning of economic parameters of functioning at the micro level, determining priority areas of development and evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise. Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline Successful mastering of‘Enterprise Economics’requires knowledge, skills and abilities formed as a result of studying such disciplines as introduction to the speciality, microeconomics, macroeconomics, applied computer science, statistics, applied modelling, finance and others. Learningoutcomes,teachingmethodsanddiagnostictools: Table1-Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes in the discipline ‘Enterprise Economics'
Content of the discipline by topic: Topic1:Theoriesoftheenterpriseandthebasicsofentrepreneurship Topic 2. Organisation and regulation of enterprise activities Topic3. Managementofthe enterprise Topic4.Market and products (works,services) of the enterprise Topic 5. Personnel of the enterprise Topic 6: Fixed assets of the enterprise Topic7.Working capital of the enterprise Topic8: Intellectual capital resources of the enterprise Topic9.Technical and technological base and production capacity of the enterprise Topic 10. Current costs and prices for products (services) Topic11.Financial results and taxation of the enterprise Topic 12: Planning of the enterprise activity Topic13. Operational activitiesof theenterprise Topic14.Material and technical support and logistics activities of the enterprise Topic 15. Marketing activities of the enterprise Topic 16. Financial activity of the enterprise Theme17:Investment activity of the enterprise Theme18:Innovative activity of the enterprise Topic19.Performance and efficiency of the enterprise Theme 20: Enterprise development Theme21.Economic security and anti-crisis activities of the enterprise. Topic 22. Termination of an enterprise Academicstaff: DmytrenkoA.I.,PhDinEconomics,AssociateProfessor,AssociateProfessor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, dmytrenko.artem@kneu.edu.ua Dziubenko L.M., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, dzubenko_luba@ukr.net Shvydka O.P., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, shvydka.oksana@kneu.edu.ua Basic sources: 1.Enterprise economics:Textbook/ editedbyG.O.Shvydanenko.-ed.4th,revised and supplemented-K. : KNEU, 2009. 816p.inUkrainian. 2.Enterprise economics [Electronicresource]: textbook/[H.O.Shvydanenko,K.S.Boichenko,V.G. Vasylkov, A.I.Dmytrenko, et al.-2nd edition,revised and supplemented. -Electronic textdata.- Kyiv : KNEU, 2018. - 551, [1] p. - in Ukrainian. 3. Enterprise Economics:Tasks,Cases,Business Games [Electronicresource]:aworkshop/ [author's team:H.Shvydanenko,I.Repina,K.Andriushchenko,etc.];editedbyH.Shvydanenko;Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, SHEI ‘Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman’.-Electronictextdata. -Kyiv:KNEU,2018.-307p.-inUkrainian. 4.Enterprise Economics in Formalised Definitions, Tasks and Calculations: Tasks, Cases and Calculations[Electronicresource]:atextbook/H.Shvydanenko,O.Kryvoruchkina;Ministryof EducationandScienceof Ukraine,VadymHetman KyivNationalEconomic University. -Electronic text data. -Kyiv : KNEU, 2017. -169, [1]p. -in Ukrainian. 5. Mendrul O.G. Structural and logical schemes for the study of the discipline «EnterpriseEconomics» for students of the MBA programme [Electronicresource]:atextbook/O.G.Mendrul;Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, SHEI ‘Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman’.-Electronictextdata. -K.:KNEU,2008.-112p.p.-inUkrainian. 6. Enterprise Economics: a study guide fors elf-education/[H.O.Shvydanenko,N.P.Honcharova, O.G.Mendrul,etal. 7. Dmytrenko A.I. Enterprise Economics(10credits)- Dmytrenko-EMBE25011U: distancelearning course K.: KNEU. 8. =Dziubenko L.M. EnterpriseEconomics-Dziubenko-EMBE15011U: distancecoursehttps://ido- m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/course/view.php?id=83 - K.: KNEU. 9. Shvydka O.P. EnterpriseEconomics--EMBE25011U_DIST: distancecoursehttps://ido- m.kneu.edu.ua/moodle/enrol/index.php?id=136 - K.: KNEU. Last redaction: 17.02.25 |