Internet economy
Recommended for applicants of the first (bachelor) level of higher education.
The purposeof the discipline is to form a complex of applied skills in the field of rational enterprise activities organization and their effective management by using such a factor of production as the worldwide network "Internet".
Interdisciplinary connections: To master this discipline, knowledge, skills, and abilities from the following disciplines are necessary: economics of the enterprise, entrepreneurship, management, microeconomics, information systems, production organization (or organization of operational activities), etc.
Learning outcomes, teaching methods, and diagnostic tools:
Teaching methods and means of diagnosing learning outcomes from the academic discipline " Internet economy " in accordance with learning outcomes
The result of training according to the academic discipline | Teaching methods | Diagnostic tools |
Code | Learning outcome |
1. | Knowledge: |
1.1 | conceptual apparatus of the theory of enterprises, its genesis and its place in the system of scientific knowledge, features of the knowledge-based economy and post-industrial economy, the essence of transaction costs and their elements, smart organizations, intellectualization of business | lecture, class workshop, discussion | presentations, quizzing. testing, case study, control (modular) work |
1.2 | mechanisms of organization and provision of network technologies within the enterprise, tools for analysis, systematization of information and creation of an information product, basic principles, methods and forms of intellectualization of business processes; technologies and modern algorithms of payment systems, banking operations, e-commerce, advantages of networks | lecture, class workshop, discussion |
1.3 | role of artificial and automated business processes in the business systems design; the essence of transforming information into data; self-learning algorithm of smart enterprises; performance indicator systems of smart enterprises; business value creation processes | lecture, class workshop, discussion, solving practical tasks |
| | |
2. | Skills/abilities: |
2.1 | patterns for business digitalization; development of solutions for the production and business processes organization in accordance with the principles of smart business, both in individual units and at enterprises as a whole, design of the organization of autonomous production systems | class workshop, discussion, case-study | presentations, quizzing. testing, case study, control (modular) work |
2.2 | analysis of the organization elements of the management system at the enterprise; research of information flows in the system; design of a management documentation support system; technology design for the implementation of intellectual management processes; | class workshop, discussion, small group collaboration |
2.3 | development of project solutions for labour organizations in order to minimize transaction costs; effective management of managerial decisions | Practical tasks, case study. self-control |
2.4 | analysis of markets, competition, and societal expectations using web analytics tools; generating a business idea using the Internet | lecture, class workshop, discussion, solving practical tasks |
2.5 | implementation of project decision procedures; determination of goals and key indicators of business intellectualization. | lecture, class workshop, discussion, solving practical tasks | quizzing, testing, case-study |
2.6 | calculation of performance indicators of the creation of an information product and the enterprise as a whole. | lecture, class workshop, discussion, solving practical tasks | quizzing, testing, case-study |
3. | Communication |
Acquiring the next practical teamwork skills in the students: | class workshop, discussion, solving practical tasks and case studies | Practical tasks examination, case study, presentation, control work |
3.1 | conveying information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience, and arguments to others |
3.2 | ability to work in a team |
3.3 | communication on professional issues orally and in writing using adequate terminology |
3.4 | ability to develop proposals for the shortcomings and errors elimination |
4. | Responsibility and autonomy |
understand personal responsibility and the ability to bear responsibility for managerial decisions | class workshop, discussion, solving practical tasks and case studies, presentation | Practical tasks examination, case study, presentation, control work |
4.1 | ability to continue learning with a significant degree of autonomy |
4.2 | Continue independent research after completing the course of study |
Content of the academic discipline by topic:
Topic 1. Modern theory basics of network and e-business;
Topic 2. Knowledge-based economy elements and its relationship;
Topic 3. Electronic payment systems and e-banking;
Topic 4. Tokenization of business relations
Topic 5 Smart-contracts and business transaction costs minimization
Topic 6. Big Data and the Internet of Things
Topic 7. Social capital as the internet-entrepreneurship humanization
Topic 8. The main elements of the smart factories' formation and functioning
Topic 9. Pricing and effectiveness of an information product.
Scientific and pedagogical workers and their e-mail addresses:
Vitalii Tsarov, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship,
Recommended information sources:
1. Zakon Ukraini «Pro elektronnu komercіyu» № 675VIII vіd 03.09.2015 r. Rezhim dostupu: 67519.
2. Belz O. G. Osnovi elektronnogo bіznesu: navch. posіb / Oleksandra Belz / L'vіv: LNU іmenі Іvana Franka, 2018. – 176 s.
3. Zajceva O.O, Bolotinyuk І.M. Elektronnij bіznes. Navchal'nij posіbnik – Іvano-Frankіvs'k: Lіleya-NV, 2015
4. Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, Sangeet Paul Choudary. Platform Revolution. W. W. Norton & Company, 2016.
5. Ming Zeng. Smart Business: What Alibaba's Success Reveals about the Future of Strategy. Harvard Business Review Press, 2018.
6. Kress P., Pflaum A., Löwen U. Ecosystems in the manufacturing industry // Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on. – IEEE, 2016. – S. 1-4.
7. Kokovs'kij A. Business Intelligence: shche suchasnіshij nіzh 20 rokіv tomu. 2011. URL:
8. Feshchyuk V., Matyushko V., CHernєv Є., YUrchak O., Lavrik YA., Amelіn A. Ukraїna 2030e — kraїna z rozvinutoyu cifrovoyu ekonomіkoyu. Ukrains'kij іnstitut majbutn'ogo.
9. Forsajt ekonomіki Ukraini: seredn'ostrokovij (2015–2020 roki) і dovgostrokovij (2020–2030 roki) chasovі gorizonti (versіya dlya obgovorennya) / nauk. Kerіvnik proektu akad. NAN Ukraini M. Z. Zgurovs'kij. Mіzhnarodna rada z nauki (ICSU); Nacіonal'nij tekhnіchnij unіversitet Ukraїni «Kiїvs'kij polіtekhnіchnij іnstitut»; Іnstitut prikladnogo sistemnogo analіzu NAN Ukraїni і MON Ukraїni; Svіtovij centr danih z geoіnformatiki ta stalogo rozvitku. Kiїv : NTUU «KPІ», 2015.
Last redaction: 19.03.25