Organizational development of the enterprise_051SUMMARY OF THE DISCIPLINE «Organizational development of the enterprise» Recommended for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education 1. The purpose of mastering the discipline. The purpose of the discipline is to master a wide range of issues related to the organizational features of the functioning of modern enterprises and the specifics of their integration activities. The discipline is taught to students in a set of other courses that ensure their training in accordance with the curricula for bachelors in Economics. It should also become the basis for fruitful cooperation between university graduates and experts in business economics in solving complex problems in the field of economics and entrepreneurship. The interdisciplinary links of the discipline “Organizational Development of Enterprise” are determined by the peculiarities of bachelor's training. The discipline “Organizational Development of Enterprise” is an elective program for bachelors majoring in Economics and is studied after obtaining basic higher education in Economics. It is based on the logic of the theoretical and methodological foundation of business organization, as well as the methodological provisions of related economic disciplines, in particular, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Business Economics, Management, Information Systems and Technologies in the Enterprise, etc. 2. Learning outcomes, teaching methods and diagnostic tools: Table 1 - Teaching methods and means of diagnostics of learning outcomes in the discipline “Organizational Development of Enterprise” in accordance with the learning outcomes
3. Content of the discipline by topic Topic 1. Organizational development of the enterprise: modern concepts Topic 2. New organizational types of enterprises Topic 3. Reengineering of business processes of the enterprise Topic 4. Restructuring of enterprises as the basis of their economic growth Topic 5. Business models of enterprises Topic 6: Outsourcing Topic 7. Integration structures in modern economic conditions Topic 8: Strategic alliances Topic 9: Holding companies Topic 10. Industrial and financial associations of enterprises (IFEs) 4. Research and teaching staff providing teaching of the discipline and their e-mail addresses: Lavrenenko Valentyna V., PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, e-mail: Chukhraieva Nataliia Mykolaivna, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, e-mail: 5. Recommended information sources: 1. Lavrenenko V.V., Derevyanko O.G., Totsky V.I. Organizational development of the enterprise: Study guide for self-study. discipline - K: KNEU, 2005. - 197 p. 2. Totsky V.I., Lavrenenko V.V. Organizational development of the enterprise: Study guide - K: KNEU, 2005. - 247 p. 3. Fedonin O.S., Shvydanenko G.O., Lavrenenko V.V. and others. The latest trends in enterprise development management / Monograph, KNEU, 2011.
Last redaction: 12.02.25 |