Faculty of Economics and Management

Project Analysis_051


Project Analysis

Recommended for students pursuing a first (bachelor’s) level of higher education.

Course Objective

This course aims to master the methodology for justifying project decisions and acquire practical skills in project analysis and development in the operational and growth processes of enterprises across various business sectors. The discipline involves mastering the theoretical and methodological foundations of project development, evaluation and analysis, acquiring skills in the use of tools for preparing and evaluating projects of various types and solving professional tasks to justify project decisions.

Interdisciplinary Connections

This discipline is extremely important for the formation of analytical competence of future specialists in business economics and has interdisciplinary links with a significant number of disciplines of both the general and professional training cycles, in particular, Microeconomics, Business Economics, Finance, Marketing, etc.

Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools for Learning Outcomes

Table 1 – Teaching Methods and Assessment Tools for "Project Analysis" Aligned with Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome

Teaching Methods

Assessment Tools



1.1 Conceptual and categorical framework of the course

Lectures, analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, note-taking, structural-logical schemes, tables, practical sessions

Blitz questioning, testing, self-control, peer review, self-analysis, presentation and defence of learning activities, module tests, exam

1.2 Regulatory and legal framework for project development and implementation

1.3 Principles, methods, and techniques for project development and justification

1.4 Key project efficiency indicators and methods of their determination

1.5 Methodology for analyzing functional aspects of a project

Individual or group project execution

Presentation and defence of individual or group projects



2.1 Formulating and presenting a project idea

Individual or group project execution, professional problem-solving

Presentation and defence of individual or group projects, questioning, testing, self-control, peer review, self-analysis, exam

2.2 Formal project development

2.3 Justification of project decisions

2.4 Analysis of functional aspects of a project



3.1 Ability to work in a team for joint project idea development

Individual or group project execution

Presentation and defence of individual or group projects

Responsibility and Autonomy


4.1 Completion of individual assignments


Presentation, self-assessment, and reflection

4.2 Responsibility for the outcomes of one's work

Mini-group work

Peer assessment of results

Course Content by Topics

  1. Project analysis as a methodology and academic discipline
  2. Project concept
  3. Functional aspects of project analysis: Marketing analysis
  4. Technical and environmental aspects of project analysis
  5. Social and institutional project analysis
  6. Financial and economic project analysis
  7. Project cash flow
  8. Standard financial and informal criteria for project decisions
  9. Dynamic break-even analysis
  10. Evaluation and decision-making under risk and uncertainty

Faculty Members Teaching the Course

Recommended Information Sources

1.      Verba V. A., Zahorodnikh O. A. Project Analysis: Textbook. Kyiv: KNEU, 2000.

2.      Verba V. A., Hrebeshkova O. M., Vostriakov O. V. Project Analysis: Educational and Methodological Guide for Independent Study. Kyiv: KNEU, 2002.

3.      Verba V. A., Hrebeshkova O. M. Project Analysis: Slide Course. Kyiv: KNEU, 2006.

4.      Project Management: Simply About Complex.Edited by V. A. Verba. Kyiv: KNEU, 2009.

5.      Shyhymaga A. F., Ilchenko N. V. Project Analysis. Kyiv: Kondor-Publishing, 2015.

6.      Shevchenko-Perepelkina R., Basiurkina N., Horbachenko S. Project Analysis. Kyiv: Skhema, 2019.

7.      Ward W. A., Deren B. J. The Economics of Project Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide. Washington: Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, 1991.

8.      Prosnitskyi O. How Not to Screw Up a Project. Kyiv: Nash Format, 2024.

9.      Hrebeshkova O. Video Lecture Course "Project Analysis" for Distance Learning Students. URL: https://cutt.ly/A9bZCFv

Last redaction: 18.02.25