Faculty of Economics and Management

Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the Faculty of Marketing

The history of the Department of Foreign Languages goes back to the foundation and the development of the university. Professor Zhluctenko, a well-known scholar, became its head.  Svitlana Savitska, PhD ran Foreign Languages Department in 1970-1989. Olga Shevchenko, PhD became the head of the department in 1989.Foreign Languages Department at the Faculty of Marketing was established in 1994.  The first head of the department was Kunatenko Y.U. Since 1999 it has been headed by Druz Y. M.

Staff and Programs
 28 lecturers (9 of them are Candidates of Science) provide training at the faculties of marketing, economics and management, information systems and technologies at day time and correspondence departments. They offer fundamental language teaching to develop students’ professionally-oriented communicative language competences, to allow them communicate effectively in their academic and professional environment.
The languages taught are English, French and Spanish. The academic program for the students includes the following courses: foreign languages and business foreign languages, foreign languages for economists, marketing specialist and IT specialists.

Innovative methods of language teaching, such as case-studies, role-games, problem-solving discussions, brainstorms are widely used to facilitate students’ creative thinking ability and innovative approach to their future professional activity.
Foreign Languages Department carries out significant scientific and methodological work. The results of scientific work are published in numerous Ukrainian as well as foreign journals and magazines.