Faculty of Economics and Management

Thesis defended



Thesis for the degree of doctor of economics

Feschenko V.M.

 " Economic thought of Ukraine on the establishment and development of market relations (second half of XIX - early XX century ) "


Suprun N.A.

"National model of corporate governance : institutional and evolutionary analysis"



Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of History


Chutkyi А. І.

" Kyiv Commercial Institute (1906 - 1920 years.) : Formation and evolution in the context of intellectual , economic and political history of Ukraine "






Thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences


Vorobyova L.V.

"Ukrainian school of physical economy "


 Bahtari E.A.

"The role of the Coase theorem in the development of the new institutionalism in the second half of the twentieth century."

Tymchenko Y.V.

"Cooperative organizations in the economic system of Ukraine during the NEP "


Кudlasevich О.M.

 "Cooperative organizations in the economic system of Ukraine during the NEP "


Моrdas І. V.

"The contribution of scientists from Kyiv National Economic University in the development of economic science in Ukraine (the first third of the twentieth century). "


Cherniatevich Y. V.

"Formation of economic agents market economy in Western Europe (second half of XVII - the first half of the nineteenth century). "

Koliadich О.I.

"Institutions of industrial relations in the development of market economy in the second half of the twentieth century."


Stankevich Y.Y.

"House management in market economy and its reflection in the world of economic thought of the twentieth century"


Zhyrman S.M.

" Genesis of craft in the economic system of Left-Bank Ukraine in XVII - XVIII centuries "


Оpanasenko V.M.

" The economic motivation in the economic system of Ukraine in the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century and its impact on economic thought "

Proskurina M.O.

" The development of the theory of cyclical economic thought in the world of the second half of the XX - XXI century. "


Zhyla Т. V.

"Formation of Ukrainian social trends in economic thought (late XIX - early XX century )»


Lopuh K.V.

"The evolution of monetarism in the last third of the twentieth century. - XXI century. "


Kondrat O.B.

"The theory of economics in scientific heritage of S.M. Bulgakov "


Poliusevich Y.H.

"The economy of Ukraine in works of Ukrainian economists abroad (20 - 80 years of the twentieth century )»


Last redaction: 21.09.17