Faculty of Economics and Management

Economics (full-time education)

Preamble. The Master's Program "Economics" was formed on the basis of existing educational standards of Ukraine and "Regulations on the Master's Program" of Kyiv National Economic University, approved by the Academic Council of the University (protocol #10 of 29 March 2007).

Generalized object of the Master in Economics is social and economic relations at the micro and macro levels. It contains:

  • nature of the mixed economy and its main features;
  • socio-economic relations as a system;
  • patterns of development of mixed economic system;
  • features of socio-economic relations at the micro level, the ways of their improvement and development;
  • economic laws of social production development;
  • formation of a new type of economic thinking in the society;
  • scientific substantiation of ways of socio-economic development in Ukraine;
  • development of scientific foundations of economic policy in Ukraine.

Target audience. Master of Economics is able to perform professional work and to hold primary positions: teacher of the university, researcher, methodologist in Economic Education, researcher (Economics), economic advisor, consultant on economic issues, a commentator on economic issues.

The main objective of the Program: formation of competencies needed to perform professional tasks at primary positions of professionals:

  • theoretical-cognitive;
  • analytical;
  • teaching;
  • research;
  • upbringing.

Features that enhance the quality of education and the competitiveness of its graduates:

Master of Economics in the primary positions independently performs mainly theoretical-cognitive, heuristic and partially diagnostic professional and socio-economic theoretical tasks, performs difficult economic research, organizes and accumulates relevant information, predicts the development of micro- and macroeconomic processes, controls specialists of lower levels, .

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Last redaction: 05.07.17